Haven't you figured out what this revolution is all about yet?
It is about taking everything that is hidden and secret out into the open where everybody can see it. You cannot change stuff that you don't know about. You cannot change things that you can't see.
The first step is to make it visible. After that it is up to the people. Some wealthy people will ask for compensation. But the people will decide whether or not to give it to them, or whether they got their just deserts in giving back what they stole. Sure it will be a bit of both but the discussion and decisions can be done in the open.
And if you really, really believe that people should be able to own real property inalienably, i.e. can't lose it due to unpaid taxes, then you have a chance to get people on your side and make it so. Right now, if you tried to get what you want, people would call you a communist because they just don't understand.
If there is a currency reset, it will be done by the God Emperor because, the past 50 years of legislators have made the Presidency into a dictatorship. You and I have no say in how it is done. Afterwards, it can be discussed and modified but only because Trump, the God Emperor allows it to be discussed. You should thank God that Trump is a President who WANTS TO GIVE UP POWER to the people and restore the Republic.
You get to decide how things will be in the future but you do not get to have any say in most of the actions that will get us to the stage where the people once again hold the power in government.
And I am not arguing with you so don't bother replying. This is not a discussion board. If you really cared then you would not be on this board
. You would be out talking to your neighbors setting up a local MAGA group or a lobbying group to keep Washington DC in line for the long haul.