162c46 (2) No.8139967
Just wondering if everyone is aware the Border patrol is sending elite units to 10 major cities..100 to each. Also, do you know that Border Patrol answers to no one but POTUS. They act just like the Marines. Anyone seeing the plan here? In a week we take down the bad guys, the public thinks they are going after illegals. The public tantrums about the evil ice agents capturing illegals, and misses the whole point of the Border patrol.
>Border patrol
International human trafficking IS something border patrol would take an interest in. They would be well within their jurisdiction, I believe, to be the ones arresting the ringleaders or other high-ranking members of such smuggling rings.
That war castle stuff is pretty loony. I watched the videos. Not enough there to make sense. Seemed like a discussion on Free Mason world laws and some guy beating their system, but legit had no evidence or sense of reality to me.
Bro, they answer to nobody but POTUS. They have jurisdiction over everyone. They can go anywhere on homeland and do just about anything with a warrant.
Check out this twitter thread from a Trump hating ex-Border Patrol agent. He is saying their power is like the marines.
really want to stitch these beast womens mouths shut and toss them to the cartel for a good ol frazzled rip session. Once their face has been peeled off, maybe we can have another talk and see how they feel about the Border Patrol and the extent of their authority.
this should also nullify any doubts that there is actually an internal war going on against Trump. These people were so desperate to stop him they grabbed LITERALLY ANYTHING they could get their hands on to besmirch his name. Even if it had zero credibility.
They are panicking and desperate.
Continue the push. Keep the pressure. Relentlessly rebuke their narrative every chance you get. Public opinion matters.
yeah but you know why you were with her, they are insane in the sack. Only good thing about a crazy bitch is they hold nothing back.
unironically, Daniel, if you have medication you might want to take some. It does help here and there, bud.
Hannity: "Slam-Dunk Case"
>Why are Jews like this?
They're very intelligent in a linear fashion. They live by a rule of continue to do what has always worked. The internet has really fucked with their medium of control, anon. They absolutely have to get this under control. They "make money" so that's not an option, they have all the money in the world literally and their number one priority is "shutting us down!"
They are not used to not controlling all mediums of information.
No I cant post images at all
Hannity to Gowdy: "How do you read the crumbs?"
God made the rule that medication isnt supposed to be a topic?
>Think the FBI and CIA call each other a bunch of homos?
only with their heads turned back so they can look each other in the eyes when they do
>everyone will hate them
/b/rother even look on this site
every day more red pills get dropped than a lindsay lohan slumber party yet the stupid fucking goyim still insist on defending them.
If you think the jews are stupid, imagine how fucking dumb those are that feel a need to protect them despite their own religious documents warning them about the jews for 2000 fucking years! now that's fucking dumb.
yeah and Lithium is an element. Put here by God himself.
Take care of yourself Daniel. Be open to all possibilities, even conventional ones.
remember, without an enemy, governments have no reason to exist.
Be cautious about "the evil chink" meme, i saw the shift happen about 3 years ago where it went from sandnigger terrorists to le ebil chink terrorists.
Do not be pushed in any direction. If you were meant to go somewhere, let it happen naturally.