Looks like China will be going down the cultural revolution/stalinist Russia/Khmer Rouge route to fight this virus.
It won't end pretty
China Declare "People's War" on CoViD-19
She's basically encouraging there for people to report anyone around them for mass quarantine. That's unsavory behavior, and so officials in many places are offering bounties to do so. The most lucrative one I found is in a city not far from Beijing. They're giving up to $300 to report anyone who's traveled from Wuhan to that city. Another neighborhood that I visited about two weeks ago says they'll give about $80 to anyone who reports someone with a fever.
KELLY: Wow. So how does this tie in with the other thing I mentioned, which is Xi Jinping calling efforts to contain the virus a people's war?
FENG: That's a phrase that's actually used quite often. It comes from Chairman Mao Zedong. It was actually used first as a euphemism for guerrilla warfare. Jude Blanchette studies language like this. He's the Freeman Chair of China studies at the Washington think tank CSIS. And he says over the decades, this kind of language has become central to the Chinese Communist Party. It's a way to mobilize grassroots efforts to tackle big problems.