Anonymous ID: ceb2b9 Jan. 17, 2018, 11:07 p.m. No.82243   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes. Some recall the Google YouTube change to "recommended playlists" and subscriptions were ignored (unless you hit the Bell icon as a new added step.) Around the same time the "news" puts out info about of "effective" extremest groups like ISIS were at social media now. Sudden wizardry. BUT - I think the new AI / Machine Learning based systems are doing this recommending and actually contributing to tribalism of sorts. This person focuses on nothing but this it seems: https://


WTF? Yeah, they are trying to manipulate the users from their wrong think instead of just dropping terrorist content. AHH but that is because they consider anyone right of center to be extremists….

>"We believe that a key part of combating >extremism is preventing recruitment by >disrupting the underlying ideologies that drive >people to commit acts of violence."

>-Monika Bickert , Facebook's head of global >policy management
