Unfortunately Billy Graham used to say it.
The Apostles were Jews.
George Washington wore his Freemason getup to his inauguration.
Either way God wins.
I've gained 10 pounds following Q, there should be a surgeon general warning on this shit.
I lied 15. ):
I never swore an oath I just grew up deep state. I rejected my family and I'l shout what I know from the roof tops until they kill me.
The kid in the left corner could be my twin at that age. Who are they?
Is the boy in the left corner Trump? It looks like me at that age and people attack me because I look like Trump.
Use your words.
Do you think she looks Jewish? Every immigrant that came from Europe at that time looked like these people.
Well both my great grandmothers were non practicing Jews so that would make sense, nite nite.
If Trump is the anti christ or Gods man for our time, God is still in control. Good night.
I suck at math my skills are art, literature and religion. G'night.
They are kosher.