MIchael John Avenatti born Feb 16, 1971 @ 10:07 PM PST in Sacramento, California.
EXCLUSIVE: 'Hillary is lonely, has trouble expressing her feelings and yearns for an intimate relationship with a powerful woman,' claims noted shrink who puts the presidential hopeful on the couch
Dr. Alma Bond says Hillary's oppressive upbringing by her father Hugh Rodham made her ambivalent towards men
It also caused her to be tolerant of her cheating husband, claims Dr. Bond in a new book
When Hillary's mom threatened to leave her father the broad-shouldered man bellowed: 'Don't let the doorknob hit you in the a** on your way out.'
Author suggests that Rodham's stinginess and anxiety about money contributed to Hillary's need to accumulate great wealth
Hillary accepts that her loneliness is the price she has to pay to be at the top
Huma Abedin does not fill the intimacy vacuum in Hilary's life