>>with an attitude and disposition like mine.<<
A photo-essay on your attitude summarized.
>>with an attitude and disposition like mine.<<
A photo-essay on your attitude summarized.
No one here ever said that.
A study claimed there were segments of code from HIV virus (the causal infection leading to a condition called AIDS).
In the movie Jurassic Park they used frog DNA to fill in Dino DNA gaps. The implication of finding HIV code in a coronavirus (four segments very analogous to HIV) is genetic manipulation. Probably dictates manipulation by man is far more likely than attaining these segments of code by random mutations.
Corn is a grass.
Cows eat grass.
Cows eat corn silage. They are fat and happy on that diet.
(Chickens? Donโt know, donโt care).
That statement is speculation, not fact. Furthermore it fails to consider asteroid size variability. An asteroid the size of a school bus will never have that quantity of gold.
I would never eat a chicken because chickens are a filthy animal.