I would love to anon but truthfully I really don’t know shit. My mother made changes to her diet, began taking proper vitamins, and I think the Quinine in Tonic water helped her in the weaning-off phase. It’s possible to do it naturally though, and my best advice would be to consul a trustworthy doctor. Not the cock sucker pumping oxy into your significant’s body!
Any oldfags still have that
>Morey Amsterdam was a Jew, He did 9/11
Meme? That was a good one
Memefags I hate to be demandful I come to you with full gratitude
Can one of you fellers whip me up a
“Will pay for memes” with Mini Mike BloomSTEIN on Tyrone Biggums? It’d be very effective imo
A biblefag told me the other day, and I’m paraphrasing here, pretty much that Trump was the Antichrist and he was going to ultimately betray Israel. He said Kushner was a rat. He said ultimately that the rapture was inevitable and required before we reached full world peace or “ascension”. He said Israel is actually Palestine’s land. Again, I’m paraphrasing and this is my interpretation. Not sure if I believe that shit. Can I get a rundown?
Keks out on that one, Israel does need to get fucked. I don’t care what scripture says what, Israel is scummy. 5 dancing Israelis, USS Liberty, that was enough for me
And the Anti-Christ is, Kushner?
I don’t need those links fag, you know what I need to be for the prosecution of the Mossad faggots in Israel?
5 Dancing Israelis
USS Liberty
Duel Citizenship
The Bible shit isn’t really necessary.
The more I look into it, the more it all sounds like a bunch of bullshit and the happier I am that my Roman Catholic father and my Catholic Mother didn’t make me go to fucking Catholic school to get humped on by a Priest or surrounded by nothing but dicks…harsh?
I knew this one guy, every Friday we’d smoke a fat doober and I’d hear him out about his religious beliefs. Until one day
He got hit by an 18 wheeler and died
He didn’t believe in God no more
No, elaborate
Usually the people that lie the most are the ones that have been hurt the most
I wonder what happened to the cunt when she was a child
Point taken, I want to note that I said “usually” initially. Hillary is her own special type of greedy cunt who would sell out her own mother for a dollar bill
Rod Rosenstein’s testimony is going to be huge. I’ve been under the impression that he signed the reverse-FISA that’s been used to keep tabs on deep state this whole time.
Barr is here to declass, not to lock these cunts
up. Durham = Prosecutor, Huber = Prosecutor
Stop discussing your mother’s dreams anon
Her addiction is the adrenal glands of babies which she gained access to over time as she made herself and other crooks more money and did it better than any crook that has come before her.
Jesus dude keep your mom’s dreams to yourself better yet tell her to keep them to her self
Confused as to why I’m being replied to here
Jeff Stibel
Jeffrey Epstein
Kobe Bryant
Loop Capital
Life Boat Foundation
Trans Humanism
Bill Gates
Eric Schmidt
Wired For Thought
Brown University
William J Clinton Foundation
“The Year of China at Brown University”
Wuhan University
Tonight I learned, you never know who the fuck is talking to you on this board. Shit got real. Don’t know if this strengthens my resolve to fight or if I should scatter like a chicken shit. The childish jabs at shills were funny, until now