Better sauce is the source.
That is undergrad level background on T-Lymphocytes antigen presentation and function. Not helpful.
MR1 expression data on varied cancer cells is more informative. The graph shows positivity in normal fibroblasts. Would they be attacked? Could any therapeutic modalities based on MR1 T cell recognition result in GVHD?
This “potential therapy” is in it’s infancy. And frankly I have been underwhelmed by performance of immunotherapy as cancer treatment generally.
Forgot muh graph.
n.b. My original response to this post was to be helpful, and not intended to insult or diminish your post. Hope you didn’t take it wrongly and if so, then my apologies.
Just what the hell is “coordinated trauma-informed care and services”?
Health care is supposed to do this already, for everyone. Why the fuck pass another law, more redundancy?
Where the Kek are you from?
I’ve been on earth for decades and have no similar recollection.
Poor impulse control.
You lack comprehension for my sense of humor.
Kids are better connected to the source. The world hasn’t gotten to them yet.
Yours is pleasant distraction.