Anonymous ID: 231c00 Feb. 15, 2020, 5:17 a.m. No.8144242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4252

>national and international efforts to combat FGM/C.


The United Nations, the cult's multinational scam factory, is pushing "to eliminate "FGM/C" within ten years.


Why? Because it "costs $1.4 billion annually?" That's one reason says the: UN health agency.


Another reason is feels:


"FROM THE FIELD: ‘A piece of me’ was taken"


Just a few years ago the practise of "FGM" was commonly said to be confined to a few backward Islamic "patriarchal" culture in North African, Somalia and Yemen, and the periphery of the Arab world.


The UN now declares FGM is a threat to civilization, and the "rights of all women," affecting 200 million people worldwide.


>Africa, Asia and the Middle East, and within communities from countries in which FGM is common. UNICEF estimated in 2016 that 200 million women living today in 30 countries—27 African countries, Indonesia, Iraqi Kurdistan and Yemen—have undergone the procedures.


Why do these 200 million cut the clitoris and labia off female children? According to the UN:


>Female Genital Mutilation (often referred to as FGM) is a destructive operation, during which the female genitals are partly or entirely removed or injured with the aim of inhibiting a woman’s sexual feelings


To inhibit sexual feelings.


Why would 200 million Muzzies want to inhibit women's sexual feelings? Is it religiously ordained, as male circumcision is, in certain cultures?


No, says the UN. There even Islamic religious injunctions or Fatwa's against it, and the UN declares FGM is a cultural, as distinct from a religious, practise.


Why is the UN fixated on this? Why so fiercely opposed to ancient and obscure tribal traditions in populations they have encouraged to move to the US and EU?


>Female genital mutilation, is “an abhorrent human rights violation” still affecting women and girls around the globe, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated in his message for the International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, marked on Wednesday.


According to Mr. Guterres, FGM “is rooted in gender inequalities and power imbalances – and it sustains them by limiting opportunities for girls and women to realize their rights and full potential”.


Is FGM spreading?


“An estimated 200 million women and girls alive today have been subject to this harmful practice” the UN chief said, “and every year, almost four million girls are at risk”.


The UN says it's a "race against time," to prevent these peoples from continuing the appalling practise which is asserted to deprive women of pleasure in sexual relations.


*The UN oppose "female genital mutilation."

  • The UN supports male genital amputation as "transgender rights."


“To reflect critical advances in science and medicine”, the World Health Organization, WHO, has removed so-called “gender identity disorder” from its official manual of diagnoses, which is being hailed as a major win for transgender rights."


The UN opposes FGM because EU and American women shiver with horror at the rusty razor blade inevitably pictured in articles about the creepy practise.


Western women have been conditioned for decades to believe sexual license is women's rights, just like smoking Virginia Slims cigarettes and having state funded abortion on demand. "My body my choice' is the dogmatic essence of female liberation.


>We seek to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights.


What else is going on here? Cultist/NWO scams have multiple layers. They always fund raise, they inevitably exacerbate social conflict and division – in the case of FGM there is more…if we can find it.

Anonymous ID: 231c00 Feb. 15, 2020, 5:36 a.m. No.8144307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4326


That would fall under the Division category, yes.


It's women who perpetuate the practise and carry out the surgical procedures. Do they feel that obsession with sexual pleasure is detrimental to femininity?

That women obsessed with their vagina and the endless search for greater sexual gratification which can never be satisfied - that that destroys women's capacity to be women and mothers as needed for the raising of children?


Apparently the women who perform this operation believe so.


Many people do not understand that female sexuality can be incremented into a force that can control women's lives. In the victorian era great effort were made to eliminate visual stimuli that would activate the female sex instinct. Skirts were long, sleeves covered women's arms, and even the legs of furniture had "skirts" which can be seen on period furniture.,

All of this was to control the female sexual drive - which Tiresias, who had lived as both a woman and a man, said:


>There is a story in Greek mythology that the blind prophet Tiresias spent seven years as a woman. One day, when Zeus and Hera get into an argument about whether men or women experience more pleasure during sex, they call on Tiresias. As the only entity mortal or divine who has been both a sexually active man and woman, he is, they figure, best situated to settle the dispute. Tiresias answers unequivocally that women experience ten times more pleasure in sex than men.

Anonymous ID: 231c00 Feb. 15, 2020, 5:53 a.m. No.8144384   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The unchained female sexuality was evident in several of the mysteries - Cybele and Dionysus - the maenads who would rip men they encountered apart with their teeth in sexual frenzy are an example.


Mal sexuality we know can be dangerous,its incessant stimulation produces chronic masterbators with self esteem problems and rapists who look upon women as livestock.


We the People may not be aware of these psycho spiritual realities but the NWO cultists are. They've preserved the ritual which activate these things and they are imposing them on us now. We have nothing but our awareness to protect us from such subversive attacks on spirituality and consciousness.