Anonymous ID: 5d7297 Feb. 15, 2020, 4:28 a.m. No.8144071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4081 >>4082 >>4091

the 7days bulit propaganda hospital in #wuhan shows its true color now.

after all its Made in China by Chinese Gov





Anonymous ID: 5d7297 Feb. 15, 2020, 4:40 a.m. No.8144105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4114


Posting anti-vaccine propaganda on social media could become criminal offence, Law Commissioner says


New Law Commissioner Penney Lewis is leading wide-ranging review into whether UK's offence and abuse laws are fit for the Social Media age



Posting anti-vaccine propaganda on social media could become a criminal offence - even if those promoting it believe the pseudoscience, the UK’s new criminal Law Commissioner has said.


In her first interview since taking up the role, Penney Lewis, revealed she is considering whether laws should be amended to “lower the threshold” of criminality for posting false information online that endangers lives.


It comes as the Health Secretary Matt Hancock said in September he was “looking very seriously” at making vaccinations compulsory for state school pupils after the UK lost its official measles-free country status due to a steady fall in MMR immunisation rates.


Currently, people are protected from prosecution if they sincerely believe the misinformation they publish under laws designed more to tackle bomb hoaxes than internet health conspiracies….

Anonymous ID: 5d7297 Feb. 15, 2020, 5:05 a.m. No.8144187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4195

for Canucks, petition


e-2289 (Information and privacy)


Petition to the Government of Canada



There are no explicit protections for transgender people in Bill C-16. Instead Bill C-16 creates protections for "gender identity" and "gender expression", which have no precise legal definition. This has triggered litigation against women who now need to prove they have a right to women's only safe spaces and sex-segregated activities. Bill C-16 erodes women's sex based rights outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;

Before Bill C-16 passed in the House of Commons, the current government pledged that no piece of legislation proposed would ever pass without a full and proper gender-based analysis (GBA) report. This report has never been published or made public, and inquiries made through the Freedom of Information Act suggest it was never completed; and

As of January 2019, Statistics Canada are no longer recording the sex of criminals, but instead the gender by which they identify. Statistics Canada response when contacted and asked if it would effect any research based on the data was "Statistics Canada consulted extensively, and performed the necessary statistical tests to evaluate the impact of this change. It is expected the change will have no impact on the analysis of the data." Again, the public has not been made aware of what statistical tests/methodology they used, nor has anything been published.


We, the undersigned, Citizens of Canada, call upon Candice Bergen to ask for the Gender-Based Analysis report be made public, and for Statistics Canada to explain their analysis or publish the results.



We are being refused access to the Gender Based Analysis Report for Bill C16 more information is in the petition. Please sign and pass on. This #TrudeauHasGotToGo is creating a huge mess.