Anonymous ID: 75230b Feb. 15, 2020, 5:07 a.m. No.8144200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4218 >>4222

Magic-eye, meta-anon fag here.

The past few days we've been attempting to make sense of the data within the [killboxes].

My theory was that each marker ([1]-[99]) represented an individual under investigation.

Q and team were showing their hands on what each person's sins were.

But they couldn't do so outright. Some of the stuff is too deep, classified and probably TS.

So how are Q and POTUS talking to the people?

By using metadata surrounding the subject they want.

An anology:

If you want to know what's going on in a computer intranet, but you don't have physical or technical access to it,

You can place sniffers on the infrastructure surrounding the exitnode/router of the intranet in question.

For example, if you want to know what's going on in google, you don't need to be in their network outright,

You just sniff the ISP infrastructure geographically close to their network.

Have a broad enough picture and you can begin to paint the picture of what's going on in their network by the comings and goings just outside of it.

Think of Google in the analogy above as the marker ([1])

And the Q drops as the sniffers placed on the extra-net just outside Google.

Read the Q drops that correlate to the marker, and they will inform you on what's going on with the marker.


This way Q et. al. can inform Anons and the public about what's going on behind the scenes without actually discussing the specifics.

Go back and find my posts around this same time the past 2 days and it explains it in much more detail.


What I'm writing this morning to let you all know,

I suspect Q confirmed that we're on the right track.

Yesterday, with post 3862

He posted another [killbox] stating: [possible unseal(s)-declas]

So if we've been pushing this meta-analysis of Q drops to inform the killbox/markers,

Would that not be the meta-subject for the past few days?

I know anons have been working on identifying who each marker is,

I know we've been discussing this in detail. There's been a surprising amount of demoralization shills on the subject too.

So if the Meta discussion was about [killboxes] and how Q drops inform them,

Could Q be speaking to the meta-subject by saying something like this:

"You are going in the right direction with this meta discussion, and explicitly the killbox refers to possible unseal(s)-declas items referencing each marker."

Put another way:

"Each marker represents an individual case that has sealed indictments, but the subject matter is as such that the public needs to demand declas/unseal (hence possible)"


I believe if we continue to pursue this angle of figuring out each marker, I suspect we'll start playing an important role in actually revealing these investigations/unseals.


That's it for now, I'll be back later to attempt to provide more proof-of-works for this method of understanding Q drops.