Anonymous ID: bf162b Feb. 15, 2020, 4:34 a.m. No.8144089   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8142609 pb Call to Dig Annobon Island


Looked at USAID for Equatorial Guinea and found a sudden spike in aid for 2015.

Checked neighboring West African nations and found similar spikes in some.

Charts are generic detail, health & population, human services.

But did not specify disaster relief.

Why the sudden 2015 spike in aid? Humanitarian or Pay-offs?


Most spikes in aid were 2015.

List of nation // 2015 aid // (range from 2009-2016)


Equatorial Guinea $4M ($0 - $70k)


Sierre Leone $190M ($9M - $17M)

Guinea $165M ($17 - $34M)

Guiana-Bissau 1.4M ($13k - $17k)

Liberia $175M ($100M - $185M)

Cote d’Ivoire $55M ($40M)

Ghana $215M ($84-$137)

Cameroon $40M ($6M)

Senegal $122M ($79M - $141M)


2017 spike instead of 2015

Gambia $15M ($380k – $1.3M) 2017 spike

Nigeria $407M ($256M - $442M) 2017 spike


consistent annually

Togo $27k

Benin $28M

Burkina Faso $33M

Mali $185M

Gabon $80k (2014 $600k)


USAID Foreign Aid Explorer (FAE) page:


can select nation and the year to highlight

graph is annual total aid and box graphs below for aid distribution