Anonymous ID: 1ff6d1 March 27, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.814821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4901

Visitors to the autists

Are you new? Just awakened?


This is a research board - Not intended for the public. autists are working. Very little time to chat.


Shells, who infest the board do. Lurk and you will learn the difference.


SHILLS want us angry, shills want to distract us.


Anons do not engage with shills.


New fags and shills argue with shills.


Learn and be welcome.


Flat earth shills, muh joos shills, porno posting shills, Q Is a LARP shills, and many more are paid by responses they elicit.

If you ignore them they will starve.


Starve the shills anon.