Opinion: The murder of a Democrat judge, done by a family member, I would say this is a silencing by someone close to her, MK Ultra involved, they can and will control normal sheeple to commit horrific crimes, This is going to increase before the election in a few weeks and directly after, Many are going to silence those who know what others were up to. Be careful out there Democrats, its payment time. You did sell your souls for power, pay day is warm.
he murder of Jackson County Justice Court Judge Sheila Jackson Osgood has rocked the Moss Point community. The investigation into what happened Wednesday is underway. There are more questions than answers surrounding the death of beloved Jackson County Justice Court Judge Sheila Jackson Osgood, who was found murdered in her home on Davis Street. Jackson County Sheriff Mike Ezell said, “We’ll get toxicology results, we’ll test those things and find out what was going on prior to this event. I know there were some concerns I’ve heard about him being there. Exactly what I don’t know but it has been reported there were some concerns about this guy being on the property. There had been some conflict between them. Don’t know if that’s true or not but it has been put out there.”