>their laws make no sense.
Believe me. I know. 15 years later, I'm still getting fucked over for "crimes" of possession and what-not that I was "convicted" of, while trying to explain how and why I was "using" said natural substance to treat numerous medical "conditions" that would require me to otherwise take multiple substances, each of which posed significantly more threat to my health than "using" cannabis would. I tried o explain, logically, using my experience in life and knowledge of the pharmaceutical practices to state my case, in the most reasonable fashion one could imagine. I was actually told in reply, by a representative of the state that "smoking pot" was a "sin". To which I was sentenced to brainwashing camp, they used to try to trick me into believing I was an "addict" and needed "God" to save me. Yes. I'm still getting fucked over by such a state. Who's no gone on to make hundreds of millions of dollars to "regulate" something it knows nothing about, after voters weighed in on whether or not said plant should be considered "medicinal" (because popular opinion is far moar valuable than hard evidence when trying to force your beliefs upon others). Basically, I know people who failed to get a state permit to cut hair (because they were seriously that fucking stupid), but for an extra $100 bucks were granted permission to be "caregivers" and allowed to grow "medicinal" substances, without need for ANY type of course or proof of competency. But maintain that I should have to go through moar brainwashing programs if I wish to get my life back. Even though, prior to getting sent to jail for my "possession" charges, I spent time studying in the pharmaceutical field, psychology, biology, chemistry, etc.
And now, I get to watch fox news continue t brainwash its viewers into continue to think "weed bad", so their faggot sponsors can continue to poison children, because our politicians are too fucking busy being taking money from those same goddam faggots to run their re-election campaigns to write some goddam laws that for once actually protect us, instead of turning us into "criminals", which then they can "legally" exploit into slavery programs, under the guise of "community service"