monkeys evolved into men, but what didnt the rest of the monkeys evolve? Because evolution is a hoax. Two atoms, specks of dust did not collide and create everything in the known universe but then never happen again in millions of eons. God created EVERYTHING and it is all interconnected and has a well defined order to it. The Bible is true, it is mostly a history book, what they dont want you to realize is the final chapter, the Book of Revelation.
It is harder to poison animals and make the meat look healthy, they can GMO veggies and get people to eat poison all day long. The goal is to kill off the goy. Georgia Guidestones says they want population reduced to 500 million.
The globe is covered by 70% water…curved water. Look at a globe and see for yourself, in truth, you cant make a globe using flat water. So tell me, where is all this curved water in the real world???
So how do I leave the theater?