ROLCON garbage.
The Harvest of the initiates that chose an ancient and depraved faith over humanity and country is upon us, those who secret oaths to serve the “Great Work” and to protect themselves are now to be hunted 24/7 365 until ALL are brought to justice or take their own lives. There is no timeline in which they can find solace EVER again.
Those who thought they were untouchable shall face justice, their Crimes Against Humanity exposed and whole depraved network of evil, greed and abomination torn down.
12/21/1945 Patton Dies
12/21/2017 EO on Human Rights and corruption.
In God we Trust.
The initiates think they are the “elect” and consider humanity cattle, they subverted and perverted Gods children with manufactured crises, debt slavery, chemical poison, cultural memes, education, media deception and murder. They had to cheat, these truths only prove they are weak and deceived themselves without any real spiritual power at all. If they believe [they] are above mankind and worship the “intellect” over a higher power their stupidity led to their downfall.
Exposure is their greatest fear and it is happening and growing worldwide, the tide has turned and humanities quest for the truth will eliminate this horrid cult of the “elect” once and for all.
How many good people killed?
How much wealth stolen?
How much time stolen?
How many children lost?
How many people poisoned?
How many great innovations repressed?
How many forced to endure needless suffering?
Judgement of the “elect” is nigh.
For [they] are the blight of humanity.
[TheY] need deception to rule.
Truth leads to their downfall.
Without deception [theY] have NOTHING.
They never had a chance.
Truth always comes.
We can smell [your] fear.
Don’t like it do [you]?
The only thing worse than today is
Seems orchestrated doesn’t it?
The end will not be for everyone.
What brought US here?
What are we fighting?
What are we fighting for?
Good and God win.