Anonymous ID: 054589 March 27, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.815969   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>5. I don't know what's going on about all the Jew bashing past few days. Not quite sure if


>referring to Zionist, or Jews? The posts are very damning… so many shills… not sure what to think.



The Synagogue of Satan worship the Lord of Lies. They are "Those who call themselves jew but are not"


They are not jews, they are azkanazi's who pretend to be jews and use them as shields.


Hitler was a puppet. He was tricked to go after common every day true blood jews, while elite connected fake-jews escaped to continue their evil.


Synagogue of Satan or master shape shifters. The vast majority masquerade as jews, but many are mormons, scientologists, catholics, muslim etc. They infiltrate everything, they hide out within secret 'sub compartments' within other secret societs and pervert everything the hosts do, and ensure only their own membership obtains positions of power within the host organization.


Shills want us fighting about 'its the jews' 'no its not the jews' divide and conquer.


"""as q said, the true fight is GOOD vs EVIL"""


It knows no other boundaries