This is kind of a stretch, but I decided to look up "GFC" from "God, Family, and Country." The only widely-used match is "Global Financial Crisis." Maybe it might be more appropriate to think of it as "Globalist Financial Crisis."
There have been many posts alluding to this. For instance, on 2.1.2020, Q posted a flag with file name "In God We Trust..png". On 2.4.2020, somebody found an image of POTUS before the SOTU address with "In God We Trust" in the background, which Q confirmed. What is that statement most associated with in our country?
Also, POTUS' latest fed nominee is Judy Shelton, who has advocated for gold in the past and recently has pushed for the digital dollar. She was just recently interviewed by the Senate, and is getting grilled by all the usual globalist puppets.
There are many, many other references that could tie in–I'm currently trying to verify more, but looking for markers that include "2" and "1", plus mentions of federal reserve reform show promise.
Moving away from the Federal Reserve would be one of the greatest blows we could deal–not just to the Deep State, but to one of the three puppet masters that have, thus far, remained relatively unscathed–the Rothschilds. If we move away from the Federal Reserve and form our own currency, based on sound money, odds are that others will do the same.
I'm no economist, but you don't have to be one to realize that a country shouldn't be paying interest to borrow something that doesn't exist.