They're kinda chunky for being vegans. j/s
Lawfare Manifesto (from the lawfare website)
Q did have 2 posts under userID: 717d81
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/14/20 (Fri) 22:09:33 717d81
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/14/20 (Fri) 22:16:38 717d81
There were only 2 Q posts in that thread, only 2 Q posts with that UserID
You can check for yourself on the direct link to the thread and also on the archived thread
Please, give them the link to the thread and the archive link of the thread
THIS is why archivefags archive. Fakers get GTFO immediately
Devin Nunes and others have said how much others have helped him and his staff, for one thing.
For another, what we do here ripples outwards with a reach we really don't grasp. Q has mentioned that several times.
Anons aren't here for fame, recognition, cookies or kudos or remuneration. Anons do it because we can, because anons love doing it and because it is for RIGHT.
Normies aren't a monolithic group, it's important to remember that. Many are 'awakening' now despite trying their hardest not to. All those seeds planted are sprouting and the tipping point has already been reached.
>What the fuck am I supposed to do until the world changes for the better?
Do your part in meatspace to make your little corner beautiful, healthy, good, noble and uplift your family and those around you, of course. You have what others don't, and they will see it and want it, too.
Be the beacon, for them.
BE the LIGHT, anon, so that they can find their way to sanity and start working with your to make your corner better
Be proactive.
It's always a pleasure, that's what we're here for.
Really, someone please set these twitterfags straight. There's no denying the archived thread link.
Anon, you don't have to through al lof that. Q posts are in off-site galleries - by month- archived on the spreadsheet (regular direct link + link on archived page) and also on MasterArchivist's site (archive links + original screenshots from the board/thread (like those in the off-site galleries - we each make our own)
You can check against all our archives if anything seems wonky or off. Our archives are harmonized and ACCURATE!
links in the dough for Q posts in different formats (even raw text)
Normies watching his videos will have no idea that a FAKE Q post was sneaked in. That was the point.