Someone who sees!
Global pandemics happen, anon. The productive power of the people of the State are the only true backing for real currency there is.
Remember what happened to Spain?
Those who push gold as a backing for currency have something to gain. They can flood the market anytime they wish and it's Spain 2.0.
Most Americans don't realize that the "jubilee" was from very ancient Sumer. Debt was sold, resold and encumbered and reincumbered. The priest-king broke all those contract seals physically and the debt was all forgiven. Hebrews stole that concept and portrayed it as their own.
Issuing "money" as debt instruments is very old and belongs to that group.
You are right that there is a transitory period, but that is why POTUS made sure we were energy independent. Now we have no need of the Sand People in the ME or their oil. Our economy is bringing manufacturing back home, the corona virus will only speed up that process.Make things at home to be FREE of the dependence on others, produce energy at home to be free of sand countries ("petrodollar"), then free to cut loose the private banking consortium (FED) and nationalize the banks and take control of monetary policy. My dream is usury-free, but who know about that yet.
"Backing" a currency by some "scarce" commodity is a tried and true method of control. There is no need for that at all.
We are creative and industrious people. We innovate. We drive the world.