Let's make some history!
The Satanic brainwashing of Americans started at Lookout Mountain Air Force Station thanks to the Nazi's.
How dare you! would work with that.
I use my fingers and my hair is awesome.
Pete Buttigieg- Peter Butt ig ieg. Thats some messed up crap.
People thought I was a hippie in the 70's, I wasn't, being autistic I never cut my hair because I hated people touching me and I wore hand me down plaid flannel and old Levis from my decade older brothers hunting clothes.
No but I lived and worked with Native Americans in South Dakota in the early 70's for a summer. They could kill a rabbit with the throw of a rock and have it for dinner and use the fur.
South of there but still on the coast, and thats as much as I'll say.
I'll miss Clint but will always have his movies.
Lookout Mountain Air Force Station
The Satanic brainwashing of Americans started at Lookout Mountain Air Force Station thanks to the Nazi's.
Lookout Mountain Air Force Station
Lookout Mountain Air Force Station
Lookout Mountain Air Force Station
I'll repeat and leave you with that, it will answer a lot of ?'s