tut tut..
Eileen Chang
"All persons whom we bring to this place are washed clean Winston. The execution of their sentences is relatively unimportant. By the time we have finished with them there is nothing left in them but sorrow for what they have done and love for Big Brother. It is touching to see how they love Big Brother."
"In 1924 the Communist Party published a book by Bogdanov, 'A Short Course in Economic Science', in which he stated that socialism was the highest possible height in human development…"
"Russian demand that British troops be be withdrawn from Greece is only a move in the propaganda campaign against the
British, which the Russians were conducting all through…"
"Paris: Diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the Kremlin are very, very bad. They will get very, very much worse."
watch the sea between 757 and 767
Dig this..
Gasper Nkhata-
Peer hat-
Blue deer-
Edwin O Reischauer-