>>8161571 (pb)
(LONG chain begins pb… all connected…}
For me, Q3849 is a marker that it's going down NOW, but understanding why is convoluted.
Better to use it as hook for elucidation of how comms build on comms, over and over.
Garish blue graphics are from last summer, whenever Anon posted Scavino pool pic. Once I realized what was up, I rushed to get it done "in time" (even though I figured there was an even chance it was just more disinfo…)
Look carefully and figure out what I did. Even in that graphic already many comms are building on comms.
Anons had caught relevance of Q314 to DS pic, and it hit me: 3/14.
Michael Anton had posted two connected articles on 3/11 and 3/14 that mirrored the dates 2/11 and 2/14. (No idea why PST time in book tweet… likely copied from board and never corrected until much later.)
(That was all apparently a trap for the evildoers, who seem to have pulled the NZ FF attack in response. Neon Revolt posted an article summarizing my posts on this but I never read it, thinking I shouldn't inflate ego…) Anyway, I didn't catch those Anton articles until later. On 3/14 I was frantically trying to figure out how to use GIMP as I thought it was going down on 3/15 and needed a graphic….
So Q314 -3/14. Look at the "break" between 3/11 and 3/14. Found relevant article with video and music. Graphic shows I matched the music in the vid to POTUS "correction".
Of course, disinfo. By that time I had been "taught" that failed "predictions" get "corrections", and this time I tried on my own, using additional POTUS tweet, so second graphic.
So.. Oasis "Wonderwall" marked in mind as nice comm. Jump to December. Preparing massive set of posts, and POTUS RR tweet triggers. (Had subsequently used Q476 in belated graphic on POTUS July 4 speech…) Resulting RR-out graphic is very terse, requires Anons to fill in steps. But THINK. EACH step makes sense on its own, right.
(Last pic is first comment on Q3849…. sometimes you need a little humor!)