>What the fuck did this board do to deserve waves of flattard shillery?
It's a standard shill/slide tactic
divide the anons, get them arguing
meanwhile real research is side-lined
>What the fuck did this board do to deserve waves of flattard shillery?
It's a standard shill/slide tactic
divide the anons, get them arguing
meanwhile real research is side-lined
if you bake it, they will come
will we ever know the true nature of our realm ?
flat, sphere, hollow, carrot shaped, pear-shaped riding on the back of a turtle ?
maybe we are all in a simulation and it doesn't really matter anyway
maybe we don't really want to know
whatever the "truth" is, they aint telling us mere mortal slaves
wasted quads
plenty of comments in there from people who still believe Bill is her real dad
lots of asleep sheep still out there
kys spammer