God Bless you all, strange question, maybe this is just me being super high, but, what happens to us after this, many of us have been in this fight for a long time, and what we call regular/ normal society never felt right to begin with, what do we go back to? How do people even comprehend the amount of information and scaring many of us have taken on. How are we not hardened by this, what comes after. Many of us have lost family and friends, and i look at these people now with such utter shock that they are not screaming their heads off at the horror of it all, and yes Christ saves but we have a long way to go till his return. So what do we do after?
that is the question right, we cut the head off the snake here but like a hydra it rises elsewhere, and how far are we willing to go in this. We are walking in history that is for sure, and the thing is at what point does the Christian narrative take hold and what parts are real and not, What are we rebuilding fuck this must have been what our founders were thinking of when they wrote the document we fight so hard to protect. Even here with our shit posting and memes. We will soldier on .
damn good question right because at this point they ones who are crying about it must have been babies or small children at most. Children who if they did see anything, could be easily dismissed. But remember the number always changes upon the need of the group. Hate jew slides but i liked this question.