Anonymous ID: 1d48e0 Feb. 17, 2020, 7:33 a.m. No.8163219   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President's Day Special! Woodrow Wilson watches idly as the Rothschild bankers engineer America's entry into WWI.


On 9 February 1917 Congressman Oscar Calloway of Texas placed the following statement on the Congressional Record:

‘In March 1915 J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding and powder interests and their subsidiary organisations got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapermen in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press of the United States.’ [1]

Congressman Calloway revealed that Morgan’s twelve chosen men assessed the worth of over 170 newspapers across America and came to the conclusion that by purchasing twenty-five of the most famous titles, they could literally control the policies and direction of public opinion. An agreement was quietly reached through which monthly payments were paid to them through the House of Morgan. A compliant editor was placed in each paper to supervise and edit the ‘news’. Questions of American preparedness for war were raised in the context of alleged German aggression and Mexican duplicity. The governments’s financial policy came under fire as did ‘other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.’ [2] Be certain; J.P. Morgan and his associates sat in the driving seat and carried American public opinion towards the slaughterhouse of a world war … in order to protect their obscene profiteering and future intentions.

Anonymous ID: 1d48e0 Feb. 17, 2020, 7:38 a.m. No.8163269   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thomas W. Lamont, of Morgan Bank, estimated that half a million Americans, many from the wealthy and influential east coast establishment, had invested in loans to the Allies. [5] Consider these words; half a million wealthy influential people had a vested interest in an Allied victory.

Do you imagine that they sat quietly waiting to see how their investment fared as Britain and France haemorrhaged their youth in the slaughter-filled stalemate on the Western Front which could only get worse after the Czar had been deposed and Russia opted out of a hopeless war? This was but the tip of the iceberg of vested interest.

Allegedly, Woodrow Wilson tried to the last to bring about peace, but failed. But how genuine were his intentions?

If President Wilson had hoped to convince the banks that they should stop extending credit to the warring nations to give him time to coax them towards peace, he was deluded. Too many financial opportunities presented themselves which allowed New York to corner the market while competitors were crippled by war. [6]

American banks had been building great stores of foreign securities as well as lending directly to London and Paris. National banks in America held around $15.6 million dollars of foreign securities in 1914. Within two years that sum had multiplied tenfold to $158.5. By September 1916 the total amount of foreign securities stood at almost $240 million which naturally thrust Wall Street into a pre-eminent global position from where it could fund the massive increase in its domestic war industries. [7] With such a formidable war-chest to hand, could the money-power really have contemplated anything other than a victorious war? No.

Anonymous ID: 1d48e0 Feb. 17, 2020, 7:43 a.m. No.8163299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3317

J.P. (Jack) Morgan was shameless.he had devoted his ‘time and thought’ over the last two years to making a fortune from the war. His position of sole supplier and agent for the British government brought him immense wealth and prestige. This reminder could hardly have been better timed. It was almost as if he was saying to the President, you know I can handle the money supply … just get on with the war.

Two days later when war was declared, the House of Morgan held the reins of real monetary power in the United States. Through his connections with ‘Colonel’ Mandell House and President Wilson, J.P. Morgan took effective control of the major international loans emanating from the USA once all previous restrictions had been removed.

On 24 April 1917, President Wilson signed a war finance bill which opened the Federal Reserve’s floodgates and removed any possible liability from Morgan’s banks. Every which way was profit on the Midas scale.

$200 million was loaned to Britain immediately. All formal banking technicalities were removed. The New York Times reported that in order to speed matters up the American Treasury would not even wait until British bonds arrived in New York. Subscribers were given four months to pay in instalments as ‘had been suggested by banking interests and others to Treasury Secretary McAdoo with strong endorsement’. Of course they gave Secretary McAdoo their full endorsement.

It was their idea; Christmas and Thanksgiving rolled into one. What joy. As the New York Times added, ‘Little if any of the sum would be spent abroad. Virtually the entire loan to the Allies will be spent in this country for foodstuffs, munitions and supplies.’ [9] Subscriptions from American banks exceeded the initial sum of $200 million by 10.AM on the day of issue, and Secretary McAdoo increased the first limit to $250 million.

Anonymous ID: 1d48e0 Feb. 17, 2020, 7:51 a.m. No.8163341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Consider what had happened. J.P. Morgan spent the first two years of the war using his banking and financial associates to sell British securities on the American market and spend the money on the weapons of war and all its accessories in America.

His agents controlled the orders for steel and armaments, for cotton, wheat and meat, for the transportation of these goods across the Americas and the maritime fleets that crossed the oceans.

A single example of what this actually meant can be gleaned from the post-war investigation set up under Congressional Investigation into the munitions industry in 1934. The Du Pont company admitted that J.P. Morgan & Co. acted as agents, under sales contracts aggregating $351,259,813.28, which accounted for almost 72% of the total military business carried out for the British and French governments during the war. At a mere 1% commission, Morgan made a profit of $3,512,598, from that alone. [10]

Once America abandoned its sham neutrality, Morgan became the prime agent for Wilson’s government at war. Loans which he had issued and underwritten on behalf of the Allies were guaranteed by the State.

It was impossible for his banks to lose money. The American economy continued to flourish. The British and French tax-payer would eventually be required to repay their debts. It was as if he was a Rothschild. Indeed. The reader might well ask: where were the Rothschilds?

Anonymous ID: 1d48e0 Feb. 17, 2020, 7:55 a.m. No.8163366   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let the record show that the Rothschilds remained where they always were; at the centre of the money-power, though not necessarily under their own name. J.P. Morgan’s personal affiliation with the House of Rothschild dated back to 1899, from which point he represented Rothschild interests in the United States. [11]

The first telegrams of the war sent to Morgan & Co. in New York, were from Rothschild Freres in Paris as early as 3 August 1914. That is before Britain had even declared war on Germany. The French government, anticipating some of the problems ahead, had approached both Rothschild and Morgan, Harjes & Co. (their French bank) for a loan of $10,000,000, but initially the Americans could not circumvent their own government’s insistence that such a loan was ‘inconsistent with the true spirit of neutrality.’ [12]

It was Lord Nathaniel Rothschild in London who personally advised Lloyd George as Chancellor of the Exchequer [13] before J.P. Morgan was chosen as the sole purchasing agent for Britain.

Anonymous ID: 1d48e0 Feb. 17, 2020, 8:02 a.m. No.8163420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3445


"By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd".


Hmm, who's that sound like?

Anonymous ID: 1d48e0 Feb. 17, 2020, 8:44 a.m. No.8163713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3770 >>3787 >>3796


>what is it about being a city dweller and being a democrat?

City life is easy. Everything you might need is brought to you. Things you might want are nearby. Commodities are cheap because of proximity and competition. A variety of cheap entertainment is on hand 24/7/365. Drugs, sex, booze, movies, plays, concerts are all right at hand.

All you have to do is exist and it will all be yours. If you don't want to work for it, go stand in line for a little while and it will be provided for you free of charge because of the taxes paid by those "Stupid Farmers" who are being taxed out there in the counties where their vote has been gerrymandered into insignificance.


City dweller = Lazy, Greedy, Self Indulgent


Country dweller = Principled, Hard Working, Self Sufficient, Skilled, Family and Community oriented.