Anonymous ID: c9443c Feb. 17, 2020, 8:13 a.m. No.8163491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3506 >>3545 >>3566 >>3580 >>3784


Have to disagree with you. Some are trapped in situations not of their own making. Many are brainwashed but could lose the brainwashing if facts are received. Some are mentally dead and some are evil. We're against evil, but we're not against fellow humans who are trapped.


Where's the love?

Jesus summarized the ten commandments for us.

Love God with all your strength, love your neighbor as yourself.

Who is our neighbor?


There is tough love too. Love doesn't always mean a syrupy smarmy fake kind of gagagagaga. It can also mean taking firm and lawful steps that are necessary to protect our loved ones from those who would do them harm.

Recognizing that some won't be saved, but that judgment is not for us to make, it's for God to decide and administer justice.

Anonymous ID: c9443c Feb. 17, 2020, 8:14 a.m. No.8163508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


appreciate your enthusiasm, anon, but i honestly dont see how any of those are indicators - are you trying to communicate something particular or just flinging around some numbers?

>611 days since Hoover nut-job

>603 days since "R-post"

>'63 on 11-22 JFK

>1123rd day of POTUS presidency today

>20,541 days since JFK

>2y 3d since "Parkland" and JFK was taken to "Parkland hosp"

>There's a million indicators lining up.