Anonymous ID: 05b298 Feb. 17, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.8165159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5222

=Q is not a pacification psyop=


I see it all the time. People claim Qanon is just here to pacify patriots who may have, let us say, taken extreme measures by now. But have any of these people who go around calling people Qtards and Qboomers actually been on 8kun's Qresearch? I don't think all these concernfagging people are shills, just maybe tired of hearing SOON or IT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN a few too many times from giddy Trump fans.

Here's a question: If Q "has it all," why do Qresearch anons, the best researchers in the world, spend their valuable time researching and digging? If the point of Q was to convince patriots that they didn't need to do anything besides stock up on popcorn, then why do anons bother at all to research? Q could give us an answer to any question at any time, and yet there are countless questions that Q has never definitively answered. It's almost silly when you think about it, almost like a librarian telling you that he has every book in the world, but will only give you pages, and it's up to you to figure out what books the pages are from. But anons eat it up, why? Because there appears to be a method to the madness. If Trump and Q were going to lock up Hillary and Obama and declassify every document in existence, they would have done it a long time ago, or at least that's what the concernfags think. There would have been a missing piece however, and that's the sustained sanity of the general public. Do you understand what I'm saying here? You may think Q pacifies people, but it's exactly the opposite. Q drops bits of information, and people get to work on figuring out what that information means, and at the same time some anons monitor twitter, some monitor the skies, others monitor the news websites, and others even monitor the darn boats floating around the world. Nothing gets past anons. As soon as anons get to a certain point where they feel they've figured out what Q wanted them to figure out, they present it and it gets picked up by a lot of people who then spread that information via twitter, youtube, instagram etc. And every day, normies who wouldn't know a Freemason from an expensive one realizes there's a lot more going on in the world than he ever imagined. That's what it's all about. So you can complain all you want that Q is all about getting people to sit on their butts and put their trust in institutions that don't deserve it until every last person is an MKultra microchipped puppy, but don't shit on the information disseminators. 

"Wake the Sheeple, empower the people."