Anonymous ID: e90621 Feb. 17, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.8164690   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It is so obvious - to me - that the globalist scum who own and control the demonrats and their own globalist propaganda media and their vacuous meat-puppets are and have simply been following their own ideas.


The reason there are so very, very many people in the demonrat party that demonstrate, every time they are foolish enough to get in front of a camera, that they have the intellect of a fruit-fly is because that is exactly what the globalist scum want…a party of intellectually inferior sub-humans without any ability to run, operate or control anything except perhaps for their own bladder, when they are young that is. The globalist scum who firmly believe that the world must adhere to their insane, warped ideas cannot tolerate anyone in any of the countries they control who have an intellect or a moral/ethical belief system above that of a schizophrenic 6-year-old in any position in government that could have a deleterious effect on the "rights" of the globalist scum to steal the wealth from America and the other countries they control - such as Canada - to fill the bank accounts of the globalist scum.


The reason Republicans seem so much more intelligent than the demonrats - save for the disgusting rinos - is because they have never really been in power and so the globalists don't shiv a get about them - or didn't when they were perceived by the globalist scum as not being a threat because <<<their>>plans seemed to be working just fine…lots of wars and needs for more money to be spent to fight those wars; lots of drugs for more money; lots of child rape for more money; lots of human trafficking for more money; lots of destruction of independent, sovereign nations in Europe…for even more money; so that the globalist scum can have another party or buy another yacht or small country they can rape for whatever possessions that small country owns, or the rape and murder of children from those small countries.


Republicans, on the other hand, want freedom, democracy, free speech, free will, protection of the nation, employment for American citizens, using of the nation's wealth FOR THE FRIGGIN' NATION AND IT'S PEOPLE…none of these are what the globalists want.


There is only one way for America - and the majority of countries in the world - to save themselves:








#2.22ForCoreyFeldmanMovieTickets ( when it's up)



Anonymous ID: e90621 Feb. 17, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.8165110   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All of the NYPD who saw the clinton/huma tape and who can't be bought off, have been and will continue to be arkancided until the biyatch is swinging from the end of a rope…but I hope that they do to her what they did to qaddafi and ass-rape her with a baseball bat (or whatever they used) first…or even while she is dangling, just for a more entertaining result.