Anonymous ID: 2ce7f5 Feb. 17, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.8165603   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8164653. Boot edge edge fake military record


Navyfag, thank you and great info, which leads me to believe he’s been CIA for a long time. Neon wrote an extensive article on how many people that work for McKinsey and company are mostly related to CIA. So are CIA impersonating officers? They create a fake resume, and then like magic they’re later on when they’re implanted as President, ah shit of course, Obama comes to mind no McKinsey to my knowledge, but down and out community organising attains the WH. And no one remembers going to colleges with him.


It really pisses me off the MSM of today know exactly who they are but are do intent on destroying the US they’d allow booth boy to actually run.

Anonymous ID: 2ce7f5 Feb. 17, 2020, 1:19 p.m. No.8165974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6007

>>8165442. Haaaa, our shared realities????really they’re trying so hard to prevent an awakening the are saying, tryouts must share the same reality (LIE), that you’ve been told. So freakin predictable but anyone that can actually cognize know the meta programming going on, “Go Back to Sleep, Nothing to see Here”. This politico article on Qanon is so desperate my shared realities with Q+, Q and team, autists, anons and patriots is not in jeopardy today! God these trolls are really stupid


>By promoting conspiracies and fomenting division, Zuckerman, of the MIT Media Lab, says Qanon and similar movements threaten Americans’ sense of shared truth. “The danger of Qanon is not that they try to blow up a building,” he says. “It's that they and others are blowing up our shared reality." (Interpretation: our shared programming)

Anonymous ID: 2ce7f5 Feb. 17, 2020, 1:31 p.m. No.8166059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6077 >>6084


I read an article similar to this about 6 years ago and posted on FB at that time, it’s outrageous that Tyson and other American companies were required (or chose), to ship the live chickens to China so chineses could process them, and then return to the US, a process that could take 6-10 weeks enroute, is such a waste, and there’s no longer actually fresh chicken in our grocery stores anymore. I was so outraged.


And it’s not only chicken! The real question is, what comes into our ports as disease when they ship them back? It’s not like China is the most sanitary country


Pretty damn convenient for China who has wanted and still wants the destruction of the US, to go fucking around with our food. Damn, there’s probably so much to dig on this one thing, Obama’s FDA allowed this to happen.


CHICAGO: Tyson Foods Inc received approval from US and Chinese authorities to export American poultry to China from all 36 of its US processing plants and expects to begin taking orders early next year, a chief supply chain officer for the company said.


US chicken companies are eager to resume sales in China after Beijing last month lifted a nearly five-year ban on imports as Chinese consumers seek pork alternatives. A deadly hog disease has killed millions of pigs and raised meat prices in the pork-loving country.


Increased Chinese purchases of products like chicken feet, wing tips and legs would help increase US agricultural exports to China as the two countries negotiate a trade deal.


"There's an extreme amount of interest across all those parts from multiple buyers in China," Bernie Adcock, Tyson Foods' chief supply chain officer for poultry, said in an interview on Friday.


The US Trade Representative last month projected more than US$1 billion in annual poultry shipments to China.


Beijing banned US poultry and eggs in January 2015 over a US outbreak of avian flu, closing a market that bought US$500 million worth of American poultry products in 2013, according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).