Anonymous ID: 09c7a0 Feb. 17, 2020, 3:28 p.m. No.8167197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7460

'CoupGate' - A Localized Civil War Is Now Underway In The DoJ


At Stake


A miasma of consternation lay heavy across the Potomac swamp late last week when former FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe was let off the hook for lying to his own bureau while, elsewhere across DC, the distinguished Lt. General Flynn was still fighting for his life against exactly the same charge after three years of dilatory maneuvers by the DOJ to conceal their prosecutorial malfeasance in the case… and then the sketchy Roger Stone matter entered a twilight zone of jiggery-pokery that appeared to climax in a staged ruse by his four prosecutors to lure the Attorney General, Mr. Barr, into a trap.


You are forgiven for failing to follow all the twists and turns in this latest installment of what might now be called CoupGate, a summation of the seditious campaign to overthrow the president, which already has gone through so many gates — SpyGate, RussiaGate, MuellerGate, UkraineGate, WhistleblowerGate — that Mr. Trump looks like he’s spent three years training for the giant slalom in the next winter Olympics. A localized Civil War is underway in the Department of Justice now. Mr. Barr is in the middle, getting it from both sides.


The AG has apparently partitioned the DOJ into two separate realms: the now-identified corps of coupsters working desperately to keep their asses covered in an unraveling conspiracy, and Mr. Barr’s group attempting to account fairly for all that has happened, while salvaging what’s left of the outfit’s institutional legitimacy. Too much documented evidence of crime is out there in the public domain to dismiss these activities as a “conspiracy theory.” The trouble is, so many were involved from so many branches and agencies, that fully prosecuting every angle of it could bring down the permanent bureaucracy like the Jenga tower it has become.


The decision to let Mr. McCabe skate on the lying rap infuriated those demanding accountability for government lawyers-gone-wild, since even the DOJ Inspector General, Mr. Horowitz, cited serial instances of his “lacking candor” in more than one report, and “Andy” seems to have been a pivot-man for the FBI in the early-and-middle phases of the coup — along with his DOJ counterpart, former Deputy Attorney General Rod (“I’ll wear a wire”) Rosenstein.


I have a theory about the McCabe case: The Attorney General has taken the rinky-dink “lying to the FBI” charge off the table. It has become a liability, virtually the emblem for government misconduct, and Mr. Barr is getting rid of it in these matters. It has already caused too much mischief, insulted Americans’ sense of justice, and damaged the DOJ’s standing. Note, Andrew McCabe has been let off only on this charge, stemming from only one particular IG referral; he may well yet be liable for more serious charges-to-come. From here on, there will be no more rinky-dink lying charges against any of those implicated in the coup, only the most serious charges, and only those that add up to a solid case.


The coup has been so broad, deep, and thick that I predict cases will have to be brought under the RICO statutes in batches for different groups in separate agencies and branches of government.


For instance, there is the Intel Mob, including former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intel (DNI) James Clapper, current Intel IG Michael Atkinson, so-called whistleblower (he that cannot be named, E C*) and International Man of Mystery Joseph Mifsud.


There is gang from the State Department who helped engineer UkraineGate, including former Ambassador Marie Yovanovich, former Sec’y of State John Kerry, and others. There is that big herd of rogue lawyers in the DOJ and its stepchild, the FBI, the names widely disseminated by now, Comey, Strzok, Baker, Boente, Carlin, Clinesmith, et. al.


There’s Robert Mueller and his henchpersons, Andrew Weissmann, Jeannie Rhee, et. al.

Anonymous ID: 09c7a0 Feb. 17, 2020, 3:31 p.m. No.8167228   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Will they will ban cash to stop the spread of the coronavirus?


Noticing gold is being suppressed again, crypto is the likely replacement ETH is moving up steady with it's as above is below logo



Anonymous ID: 09c7a0 Feb. 17, 2020, 3:33 p.m. No.8167252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7269 >>7283 >>7490

Amazon CEO Announces Launch of $10 Billion 'Bezos Earth Fund' to Fight Climate Change


Amazon chief Bezos, who is considered the richest man in the world with a net worth of some $130 billion, earlier said his company was determined to become carbon-neutral by the year 2040.


Jeff Bezos has announced he is investing $10 Billion in the fight against climate change with the newly launched Bezos Earth Fund.


In an Instagram post on Monday, Bezos said that the new initiative would provide funding for scientists, activists, and non-governmental organisations to explore ways to fight climate change, with the Amazon CEO claiming that "collective action" was needed to preserve the environment.


The announcement comes amid recent calls from inside Amazon to do more on the issue of climate change. In late January, more than 350 employees, united under the "Amazon Workers for Climate Justice", slammed the company's climate policies and demanded Amazon spend more money on saving the environment, according to Business Insider. One of the demands of the group was for the company to reach carbon-neutrality by 2030.

Anonymous ID: 09c7a0 Feb. 17, 2020, 3:35 p.m. No.8167266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7666

After Mass Chicken Cull, China Approves Live Poultry From US


The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) of China has approved the import of live chickens from the US after farmers across the country were ordered to cull tens of millions of chickens because of the Covid-19 outbreak.


The MOA had banned poultry meat imports from the US in 2015 due to avian influenza threats.


As a concession for the phase one trade deal, China had lifted poultry meat import bans and now has allowed the import of live chickens, reported the Financial Times.


Beijing allowing the MOA to approve the import of live chickens is mostly because the mass culling has led to a sharp increase in prices. At the moment, China isn't just facing a shortage of food, but also an economic crisis, and couple both of those together, the real threat of protests and riots in many cities, some larger than NYC, could be nearing.

Anonymous ID: 09c7a0 Feb. 17, 2020, 3:50 p.m. No.8167388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7437 >>7452 >>7454 >>7500 >>7618 >>7650

Bernie Sanders Raises Eyebrows With ‘First Jewish President’ Campaign Ad


After emerging as the top vote-getter in the New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary, US Senator Bernie Sanders has confirmed his status as the front-runner in the contest for the Democratic party nomination. But it’s his future campaign efforts that will show whether Sanders will indeed end up as a real challenger to Donald Trump.


Bernie Sanders, the US senator from Vermont and Democratic candidate for the 2020 presidential nomination, has attempted to fully embrace his Jewish background in a recent campaign video, which highlights his bid to become “the first Jewish president” in the history of the US.


The video, which opens with remarks by Jewish climate change activist Jamie Margolin, features several photos from the Holocaust, visuals from news reports on recent incidents of anti-Semitic violence in the US, as well as footage from the nationalist march in Charlottesville, all while being accompanied by Trump’s taken-out-of-context comments.


Margolin herself asserted that it was “definitely a difficult time to be Jewish right now considering the Trump administration’s anti-Semitism”. The activist also recalled the “Jews will not replace us” chants from the 2017 Charlottesville’s nationalist rally, while asserting that “having a Jew literally replace them … would be so satisfying”, potentially referring to Sanders’ presidential bid.


However, her opinion was not fully endorsed by some on social media, who rushed to point out that Sanders was not the only contender for the Democratic party nomination with a Jewish background. Some also slammed the Vermont senator for getting campaign help from Ilhan Omar, a Democratic congresswoman from Minnesota who has been accused of inciting anti-Semitism in the past with her strong and not always careful remarks.


Many also disagreed with the senator’s bold claim that since Trump took office, the US and the world has been witnessing “the rise of anti-Semitism”.


This attack on Trump administration was especially surprising considering the US president’s recent efforts to bring peace to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with his long-awaited “the Deal of the Century” masterminded by his son-in-law Jared Kushner, a plan which many see as being openly biased towards the state of Israel.


Bernie Sanders has recently emerged as one of the leaders in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, gaining 26 percent of the vote of in the New Hampshire Democratic primary, narrowly beating out Pete Buttigieg, the former South Bend mayor and the winner of the Iowa caucuses .


(((We))) control both sides you silly Goyim

Anonymous ID: 09c7a0 Feb. 17, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.8167430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7447 >>7451 >>7457 >>7495

Over 2,000 Former DOJ Officials Call for Barr’s Resignation Over Handling of Roger Stone Case


More than 2,000 former Justice Department officials have signed an online letter urging Attorney General William Barr to resign following his intervention in the case of former Trump campaign associate Roger Stone.


The online letter was organized by Protect Democracy, a nonprofit advocacy group staffed by former government officials, political operatives, and activists that have been opposing Trump’s agenda via legal means. Some of the group’s actions include helping to shut down Trump’s voter integrity commission, suing to block Trump’s border emergency declaration, and a running campaign to have Trump prosecuted for obstruction of justice.


In their letter, the signees claim that Barr and President Donald Trump had interfered with the “fair administration of justice.” They say that it was “unheard of for the Department’s top leaders to overrule line prosecutors” while alleging that it was done “in order to give preferential treatment to a close associate of the President.”