Anonymous ID: 8541ff Feb. 17, 2020, 3:26 p.m. No.8167175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7195 >>7214 >>7226 >>7268 >>7294 >>7358 >>7369 >>7456 >>7549

>>8166084. More articles on chicken sent to China and shipped back. No anon, the articles I read all said chicken was shipped back to US


“Chinese chicken” will soon have a whole new meaning, as the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently gave the green-light to four chicken processing plants in China, allowing chicken raised and slaughtered in the U.S. to be exported to China for processing, and then shipped back to the U.S. and sold on grocery shelves here. Furthermore, the imported processed poultry will not require a country-of-origin label nor will U.S. inspectors be on site at processing plants in China before it is shipped to the United States for human consumption.


Food safety experts worry about the quality of chicken processed in a country notorious for avian influenza and food-borne illnesses. And they predict that China will eventually seek to broaden the export rules to allow chickens born and raised in China.


“Economically, it doesn’t make much sense,” said Tom Super, spokesman for the National Chicken Council, in a recent interview with the Houston Chronicle. “Think about it: A Chinese company would have to purchase frozen chicken in the U.S., pay to ship it 7,000 miles, unload it, transport it to a processing plant, unpack it, cut it up, process/cook it, freeze it, repack it, transport it back to a port, then ship it another 7,000 miles. I don’t know how anyone could make a profit doing that.”


USDA to Allow Chickens From U.S. to Be Shipped to China for Processing and Back to U.S. for Consumption, Just Like Seafood

John Deike–1881870191.html


"Chinese chicken" will soon have a whole new meaning, as the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently gave the green-light to four chicken processing plants in China, allowing chicken raised and slaughtered in the U.S. to be exported to China for processing, and then shipped back to the U.S. and sold on grocery shelves here.

The actual arrangement will take some time to set in, however. "All this means is that we've deemed China's poultry processing equivalent to the process in the United States," says Arianne Perkins, USDA public affairs specialist. Individual companies will still have to be certified, something Perkins says has not happened yet.


While the logistics are hard to imagine-if we can't safely leave chicken out for the length of a family picnic, how can it be shipped halfway around the world and back with no ill effects?-the USDA is doing its best to reassure both chicken farmers and consumers that the process is 100-percent safe.

"The Food Safety and Inspection Service's number-one priority is always food safety," Perkins says. In the official memo, the FSIS says that "all outstanding issues have been resolved"-a pretty big promise considering that in the past year alone China has made news for passing off rat meat as mutton, selling sausages filled with maggots, inexplicably finding thousands of dead pigs floating in the waters of Shanghai, and even having an outbreak of the H7N9 bird flu in live poultry.

Anonymous ID: 8541ff Feb. 17, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.8167294   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Guise this have been happening since 2013-14, just think what could also be shipped back besides disease. And remember the port in CA that the Chinese had a 99 lease (something like that) and Trump ended that last year! Our governments agreement on depopulation along with money laundering and whatever else to f they got away with. Obama should hang! Btw the FDA head by O was a prior VP for Monsanto. It’s all starting to make a lot more sense now

Anonymous ID: 8541ff Feb. 17, 2020, 4:32 p.m. No.8167690   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah even Page and Strzok hated him in texts, that should tell you what an absolute bottom feeder he is, but they were one “high and mighty” notch up from him