Anonymous ID: 26a1f9 Feb. 17, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.8168052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8310



UU Next. Unitarian fever cracked, MAJOR mutiny from this cultish racist teasonous bullshit coming. Patriots inside since before the BLM signs went up, slow operation, whisper campaign against MSM, undermine propaganda. Relationships, redpills. Insurgency coming out of Seattle. Yes, Seattle UU gonna snap the entire denomination back to PATRIOT, or break the damn thing in half trying. Tory no more from us.


UU gettin tired of the fukkn racism, beginning to wonder if maybe we've been the problem all along. "Orange man… um… Wait, are WE the bad guys?"…


Don't lose faith on us stoooopid blue snowflakes. Hostages. Stockholm Syndrome. Slowly their eyes open. Burn them tubes out layin down a curtain of redpills around our frogs on the UU front. All is NOT quiet.