Anonymous ID: 6952b5 Feb. 17, 2020, 5:18 p.m. No.8168146   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Morality is a part, not a token, of an authentic life. Without morality you miss the teachings, the love and the sense of belonging. Without morality you become easy pickings for any filth that wishes to possess you.


>What are the teachings of popular culture? Do they align with the teachings of God? Do you ever ask these questions? Do your Children ever ask these questions? Is life dictated by the output of an electronic device or the family and community bonds that we are accountable to for the sake of our progeny?


>Hard questions and doing hard things for all the right reasons is what drives Patriotism. The excesses of the World are an illusion. The true wealth is in the freedom to pursue truth and determine the color of your dreams in your own time and your own way as you see fit.


>We're not in a fight for stature. We're in a fight for survival of our way of life.


>When they hit us, they hit a wall of unity of purpose. They hit a wall of the resolve of God strengthened Davids against Goliaths.


>We have the might of the ages because our justice is the justice of ages. We are blessed to be the ones to strike with might to free humanity. God Bless our Purpose, our justification to Jesus Christ and our obedience to His will. May the path of Man be adorned with the light of the awakening to a higher purpose in our maker and our savior, the Son of Man.


based anon!