Anonymous ID: d0d650 Feb. 17, 2020, 5:39 p.m. No.8168319   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Does he really believe in the freedom of migrants to live wherever they want

No, he and his cohorts want a homogeneous population of adult children that have no sense of identity or self-awareness. Think Demolition Man, or if you haven't seen it go watch it, right now. It is literally the foreshadowing of the ultra-sensitive society we were being bred towards before the 2016 election. That's what our future was supposed to be like. They don't want people to have anything they can identify with, because if the people have something that allows them to form an identity such as a loving family and community, a religious affiliation, national pride, hell even skin color, then they will have something to fight for, something they want to preserve and keep the way they want it.


The elites don't want a population that has something to fight for. They want complacent sheep that do what they're told. That's why they attack and belittle all the foundations of identity so they can give you the one that they want you to have.