Anonymous ID: 119fbe Feb. 17, 2020, 6:24 p.m. No.8168679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8686

And this Anons, is why I love you guise, no homo, and freaking comedy gold


Anonymous 02/17/20 (Mon) 20:02:10fd644c No.8167980>>8167994 >>8168007>>8168025 >>8168049 >>8168182 >>8168205

Anyone find Q is boring now?

we've been lead on for a while. Q is regurgitating the same thing. All talk….


Anonymous 02/17/20 (Mon) 20:25:45572f8f No.8168205


You could always fuck off or something


▶Anonymous 02/17/20 (Mon) 20:26:296fbc46 No.8168212>>8168222 >>8168224 >>8168241 >>8168257 >>8168308

File (hide): 68693c3cbbb455c⋯.jpg (14.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 68693c3cbbb455c20a9a7e994b….jpg) (h) (u)


How long will you stay here?

if no public awakening happens this year, will you stay another?

if no public awakening happens in 2021, will you stay here another year posting up news stories and twitter clips?

if no public awakening happens during the second term, will you vote in another trump?

if the public awakening never happens, when do we quit? when do we move on? when does life go back the way it was?



Fact gathering for your planning committee? Who’s asking? Are you running out of ammo? Need to know if you can delay just long enough? So ask this, but not here: Why are your bosses asking you to ask these questions? Need to know?


▶Anonymous 02/17/20 (Mon) 20:31:589bfdc4 No.8168257>>8168273


Has your life changed that much or do you just believe it so because you've picked up different hobbies


▶Anonymous 02/17/20 (Mon) 20:26:296fbc46 No.8168212>>8168222 >>8168224 >>8168241 >>8168257 >>8168308

File (hide): 68693c3cbbb455c⋯.jpg (14.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 68693c3cbbb455c20a9a7e994b….jpg) (h) (u)


How long will you stay here?

if no public awakening happens this year, will you stay another?

if no public awakening happens in 2021, will you stay here another year posting up news stories and twitter clips?

if no public awakening happens during the second term, will you vote in another trump?

if the public awakening never happens, when do we quit? when do we move on? when does life go back the way it was?



File (hide): 75431944823595f⋯.png(388.89 KB, 489x327, 163:109, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



Your Bus is Leaving!

▶Anonymous 02/17/20 (Mon) 20:27:58b53b38 No.8168222


We are the news.

Concernfag BTFO.

We have work to do.


Anonymous 02/17/20 (Mon) 20:34:126fbc46 No.8168273>>8168288 >>8168312 >>8168336


i am still the same looser I was before Q.

maybe that is the part of this plan that is buggin me so much.


nonymous 02/17/20 (Mon) 20:35:35470262 No.8168288>>8168302



start by learning to spell 'loser'.

Anonymous ID: 119fbe Feb. 17, 2020, 6:29 p.m. No.8168734   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seriously I’m still laughing every time I read it, I’m like damn, that’s so funny. Really guise we are a band and army of patriots and we deserve to freakin laugh every once in while. And you never disappoint!