In the movie "Jupiter Ascending" a young girl comes to America with her family from the Soviet Union. They end up living in New York making a living as house and office cleaners as part of a group of relatives from Russia. The girl grows to be a woman and becomes a cleaner because that is the family trade.
One day, aliens come and she learns that she has DNA identical to a Galactic queen and under Galactic law, she inherits all titles and possessions (wealth) of this queen. One of those possessions is Earth which is just about ready to be harvested. One of the queens brothers intends to harvest Earth before she can establish her claim. In other words, kill all the humans, extract a rare and precious biochemical from the bodies, and then resettle the planet with a small number of seed crop to start growing a new human population that will be ready for harvest in a few thousand years. This biochemical allows the wealthy elite to live for thousands of years.
Satanists tell us their plans but they love to deceive.
In fact, Brin was the child, the family business was mathematics, they settled in Maryland, they are looking for Nimrod's DNA and Sergey may or may not have it. The biochemical is adrenochrome and they do indeed kill to get it.
In addition, the Illuminati do talk about a harvest of this planet and they believe the harvest is imminent. I believe they are referring to something like the Great Awakening where the sheep look up and everyone is judged for their progress in spiritual evolution. This part is rather arcane and connected with Theosophy and the Lucis Trust which are both part of the Luciferian religion.