>You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned and coordinated propaganda event in modern day history.
>Posted end of March (madness) a year ago.
You completely miss the point. I am not inside the "thought box" that is limiting your thinking here. After six weeks of study I happened to run INTO something BIGGER than Corona Virus. This has the possibility to change the world, long after Corona virus is GONE.
Expand your thinking for a moment. If this tests out, it will be bigger than the discovery of penicillin.
Yes, I was doing Corona research when I bumped into it. But when I realized what I was looking at, Corona became a side show that will come and go.
But this…..
The point is, whether Corona is propaganda, LARP, a natural virus, a bio weapon, a globalist attempt to take down the president by crashing the global economy………….
…….NONE of this matters ONE BIT.
This, is looking like a scientific breakthrough, that could eradicate airborne viral disease as we know it,
I happen to agree with what you said as a matter of fact, (About Corona) until and unless I get news that this virus is capable of ADE. If that happened, then, we would have a rare, but different fact pattern on the biologics that will be similar to the Spanish flu, where there will be a very deadly second wave that will not happen until this fall.
HERE, instead, is the point.
Fact: Viruses, bacteria are real. (Not a LARP)
Fact: For YEARS we have been fighting something called Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria . You have heard of MRSA, and CDiff, that plague our hospitals right now? Antibiotics are no longer working on many bacteria, and this is causing a problem in treatment.
Fact: Antibiotics do not kill bacteria, but do not kill viruses ANYWAY, whether cold, seasonal flu, or other Corona, etc etc. There are MANY types of virus, not just Corona types.
And this is a BIG fact:
For the first time in the history of mankind, we have a small company that has figured out that there is a narrow light band… VERY narrow light band…. 207-222 nanometers…
…..that can kill MANY viruses, and even many antibiotic resistant bacteria…. AND, THAT LIGHT FREQUENCY has tested SAFE for mice to live under 24-7 for 10 days without any harmful effects at ALL.
The light is able to kill virus in 20 seconds.
20 Seconds after someone sneezes, no more virus.
Think about that.
….IF this new technology is tested and verified by two other Universities, AND they verify what the first researchers did?
We may now have a way to add a frequency to a light bulb to put in every indoor space, that will end many viruses 20 seconds after they land on a counter, a door knob, or while they are still floating in the air after someone coughs.
And all this virus kill happens, while people live and work under the lights.
Lets say the frequency tests out, and we can replace all current hospital UVC 254's with the UVC 222 nanometer band
Expand your thinking… just imagine here.
It means you can retrofit all hospitals with the light, and it will disinfect the hospitals 24-7, while the personnel go about their business treating patients.
It means if we put it in all the schools, children will no longer be passing viruses around in a way that creates "Flu Season" If we put these bulb in work places, this also helps stop the flu season. If we have them in our homes, the light in our homes would be killing viruses and bacteria 24-7 as if the sun were shining in the house, but without the UV bands that cause skin damage and sunburn.
Now, this kind of discovery would compare to the discovery of penicillin. Please don't allow a Corona virus LARP to blind you to the possibilities here.
Now go deeper…
Expand your thinking some more.
You can shine this light on an open wound and clean the wound surface of virus, bacteria without harm to the human cells. Who knows, we may find out the frequency kills most bacteria, but just takes longer?
In that case, we can do surgeries and keep the inside of a person sterile while they are open?
I have been mulling the possibilities, not just Corona. But, if it is confirmed with further research.If it works……
We are looking at getting rid of vaccines, and who knows what kinds of inventions people will come up with using it.
Put the UVC-222 light in a clear plastic ball with a battery…. and throw it in the dryer with the damn clothes… disinfect the laundry?
Just think. Imagine the possibilities.
Thinking is how we come to breakthroughs.;…