Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 27, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.8265908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6509 >>7195 >>7226 >>7233 >>7241 >>7248 >>7377 >>7393 >>7405 >>7414 >>7574 >>7681 >>5104 >>5121 >>5137 >>6684 >>9934 >>0092 >>0116

Diary of a Virus Hunting BioFag

Day 1 Feb 27, 2019


Spent over six weeks with the Doctor friend, looking at Covid-19.

Bottom line, Doc and Biofag are probably looking at THE solution to all future viruses, pandemics, no more flu seasons….. no more bio weapons plants to make bioweapons anymore… and all without vaccines.


Sad day for Biofag.

Can't get the word out about a new technology that would render disease type bio weapons plants like the one in Wuhan, obsolete. I guess it is too hard to believe that flu can be killed 24-7 with a narrow light frequency, in all schools, hospitals, workplaces.

Maybe this solution would put too many big pharma vaccine companies out of business with the vaccines.


Money won't shut up.


Such is the fog of war.

Only one thing to do. Set my weeks of research survey results on Covid-19 into a diary, in this thread, like a message in a bottle. Hope that God sends and Angel to pick it up and get it to the right place.


My people deserve protection like this.

If every Chinese home had these lights screwed into their home light sockets, the Covid-19 virus would be gone tomorrow.

I wish I could blink my eyes, and make it happen, not just for China, but for the world.

My President is one in a lifetime. He deserves to be the one to take this home.

But they will hide this information from him.


Going to do the diary, starting today, to get the research safely uploaded where it can not disappear. It will take days. But, I will create links to make for rapid reading, and rapid location of full page source links on the research. Will connect the dots with lots of info graphics and dot to dot comments.

Message in a Bottle.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 27, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.8266509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2713


The FIRST most important breakthrough I discovered accidentally while the Doc and I were discussing the use of UVC lamps to decontaminate his surgical rooms at the hospital.


Doc: "They have to empty the surgery rooms when they run that UVC robot around"

Me: "Why?"

Doc: Because it causes skin cancer and cataracts in the eyes.


Then I discovered scientists had been working on this problem, and had found a possible solution. They narrowed the bandwidth to 222 nanoneters only, very narrow band of light.

They tested it for safety, and for virus kill.

Scientists bat 1000 !!!!


(Anon realizes this is like discovering penicillin in a petri dish thumb print, back when a scientist left a bread mold finger print in the dish, after eating lunch, not washing his hands)

This is HUGE.




Far-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseases


Chronic irradiation with 222-nm UVC light induces neither DNA damage nor epidermal lesions in mouse skin, even at high doses


Dropping the full text web page screen shots of both in the next 2 links, for posterity. Large files. May take a few attempts.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 27, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.8267195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7578 >>7869


Far UVC Light: A New Tool to Control the Spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseases, PART 1


The first experiment on the 222 bulb I found was done at Columbia University, where they determined that a virus was killed in 20 seconds at a power level of 2mj/cm2.


Full page for posterity in whatever parts work here.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 27, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.8267377   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Next links: Loading full page research showing the hairless mice were not harmed with 10 days UVC 222 nanometer light, where those exposed to current use 254 nanometer hospital germicidal lights in use today harmed the mice as expected.


Also loaded in parts for posterity.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 27, 2020, 1:38 p.m. No.8267574   🗄️.is 🔗kun



As soon as this research is reproduced, so long as the conclusions are accurate, the idea would be to manufacture these in numbers that bring down their expense to the cost of a ceiling fan fixture and light. Then, place them in schools, homes, workplaces, where they can kill viruses all day long while people live and work under them without notice.


The other question that needs answered is whether or not regular lights would interfere in some way with the constant virus kill this safe frequency emits.


Top row, mice harmed with current UVC technology over 10 days.

Bottom row, mice unharmed using a very narrow band not strong enough to penetrate the top dead layer of human skin, or even the water layer on the eyes, but still quite strong enough to kill viruses, MRSA, CDiff and other antibiotic resistant bacteria, in the background.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 27, 2020, 1:49 p.m. No.8267681   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This new technology lamp was the most important thing I have learned in 6 weeks of researching the COVID-19 Virus.


Tomorrow will be posting research from the SECOND most important thing I may be learning.

Covid 19 is a Corona.

Corona viruses are sometimes capable of creating something called ADE in the immune system (Antibody-Dependant Entry).

This is an situation where the first time you are exposed to the virus, the symptoms are mild, but, instead of learing how to FIGHT the virus, the immune system learns to ESCORT the virus into the healthy cells. ADE causes vaccines to take the opposite effect, where the second exposure is far more deadly than the first exposure, whether through vaccine or natural causes. Some scientists now beginning to suspect the Chinese had they immune system "ADE Primed" with the original SARS corona, making this the second exposure for China, and first exposure for the rest of the world.

If ADE is at work here, it would explain why the virus is more deadly to China than to people world wide at the MOMENT.

Those outside China are not yet "immune primed" so Covid 19 outside of China will look just a bit worse than the common flu.

IF, Covid 19 creates ADE, we do NOT want to create vaccines for it.

SO we need to understand, and keep watch as people outside China are exposed a second time, to see if the virus becomes more lethal during second exposure.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 27, 2020, 1:53 p.m. No.8267727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7817 >>7869


I have them all at once, but, when I try to upload, it says file too big.

I even knocked colors down to 256.

Still no load.

Any other ideas anon? Because I would LOVE to load the whole article. Sorry, Not exactly the tech wizzard. But this stuff I found has to go up somehow.

And thank you for the tip too.

If you can think of a way to shrink the file without making it unreadable? Would so appreciate!

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 27, 2020, 2:17 p.m. No.8267961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7989


53,320 kb

its a png.

the original I tried to load was only 39040 kb, because I cut the extraneous side column off.


Wonder why it kept telling me it was too big?

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 27, 2020, 2:22 p.m. No.8267998   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anyway, thank you anon.

Tomorrow I am loading the new 2014 research on ADE, so we don't get blindsided. The Covid is looking a little like it has ADE capacity, which makes vaccines a deadly choice to try to kill the virus.

If you are still researching, ADE stands for Antibidy Dependant Entry. It explains why the 1917 Spanish Flu killed many more second time around the world and those many more were mostly ages 25-45 years old, with strong immune systems. This is an important consideration on the vaccine vs UVC issue.

Be back tomorrow.

Godda go.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 28, 2020, 9:14 a.m. No.8275104   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Diary of a Virus Hunting BioFag

Day 2 Feb 28, 2019




>Serendipitous. Was just discussing this w/family member. I wonder how much one of those gadgets cost? And where can I get one?


Couple things to know about this tech, as I just discovered it while researching Covid19. I do not know how old the 222 lamp itself is. But it cant be too old, as the testing seems to have just begun.

The research was done only early 2018, at Columbia, and appears to be the first research done by third party..

(see Research set 1 from yesterday Feb 27) Im going to try to get the research full page up in one part today. Please excuse if I fail, anons.)


I could find out I am wrong about the research history, and the little company has run some tests too on different microbes. Those are in the brochure. I'll post them soon. Those should be useful. They talk about what microbes are killed, and at what strength if I recall. Its all in a chart.


The second experiment I posted yesterday Feb 27, was a safety experiment done on mice. Mice were harmed under 254nm UVC that is currently used in hospitals.

(Pic related is the type used at the Docs hospital at the moment. I work with the Doc on this research daily)

The currently used bulb in the pic is 254 nano-meters, and it can cause cancer, cataracts in humans, so, room has to be empty when it is sterilizing.


This narrow band light of 222 nano-meters is showing promise that it will not harm mammals at all. That, in a nutshell, is the answer to Corona, and a lot of airborne disease, if true, so worth the pursuit.


At the moment, due to the need to repeat the experiments, and go through the government hoops for approval, it looks like the lamp is being used initially by hospitals under the usual rules that persons must still be removed from the room before it is turned on for sanitation.

This makes sense.

It takes more than one experiment to prove people can work under it for long periods of time.


However, I would add some common sense here.

In the case of stopping Covid19, or MRSA or CDiff, all we need is an experiment proving that there is no harm over the incubation period, maybe 30-40 days.

If Covid is a LARP, as some think. Great. We still learn to kill MRSA, CDiff, other viruses that are antibiotic resistant, ….and even the seasonal flu.


Next: Protecting our First Responders, Sending vaccines the way of the buggy whip in two research steps, and finally COST of the light:



Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 28, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.8275121   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We have a choice. (Pic 2 related)

My thinking is why use buggy whip vaccines when you can use 222nm horse power UVC narrow band race car airborne virus killing lights?

Lights so dim we would not even notice them over our heads?

Vaccines are based on 50 year old two part immune system science. We now know there is much more to the immune system. Recent research is showing FIVE areas of immune system to handle. and vaccines destroy MUCH of it. The above pic, right side, is the result of using old science. We need an update badly.

But $$$$$$$$$ !!!!!!!!!

The vaccine companies need to go the way of the buggy whip anyway. They are causing too much damage. Public lack of education about childhood diseases is causing a fear (panic) that is damaging our Constitutional rights. Obviously, the Constitution doe not give the government the right to go around injecting you with whatever the hell they want.


Obviously if you are "vaccinated" then the unvaccinated are not a danger. That, is whe whole point of the vaccination.


And OBVIOUSLY as a free person, I can not just go around demanding that my neighbor LET ME vaccinate him. Perhaps I think I can just go stick a needle in the neighbor?. Thats a crime called battery.


SO…. OBVIOUSLY private fictitious persons called "corporations" have no right to assert they can just go around vaccinating their employees either. Corporations have NO MORE RIGHTS than people. They are fictidious people in the law.


Where do I draw the line on corporate rights to do things like this? At the permanant change/damage level. Meaning, if the change is permanent, corporations/government should be barred from conditioning employment on vaccination, with narrow exceptions under extreme circumstances. For instance, no corporation should be allowed to require a tattoo with their logo either. PERIOD.


The military sends people into known disease areas. This could be an exception.

Corporations like hospitals want to demand their employees are vaccinated.

NO. Absolutely not.

What about the complaint that employees will go around spreading disease if not vaccinated?

Those who live under that fear are not being stopped from getting a vaccination. No harm to the Constitution or criminal battery here.

Freedom. Remember?

You have two risks.

1) Disease from the hospital

2) Bad vaccine reactions, and live virus injections loaded with mycoplasma, adjuvants, animal parts etc etc. with devistating effects on the gut immune system, the nerve immune system etc etc. Yeah. The choice belongs to the one who lives in the body that will be damaged by the choice made. Period.


This particular complaint is just ANOTHER reason to develop and use these lights.


Question is, would the lights cause damage too? Or would they be the high tech answer to our prayers ready to be spread around the world?


So, Logical Step 1: Protect our Hospital Personell


If safe for hairless mice for 30+days, it can be used immediately to protect hospital personnel from airborne Covid19 right away, during incubation. Those tests can be run in a month. We should do it. I may call the company if they are not already swamped with calls, and shutting down their contact sites.

Also going to try to get this information and research to Senator Tom Cotton soon, because he has shown an interest.


Proving this light works safely,while humans live/work under it would not take much.

It is a very short experiment.

It can be set up with hairless mice, time extended 30 days, and done in two University labs simultaneously over 30-40 days.


If the mice are unharmed over 30 days, we have good Medical staff defense step 1.

NONE of our Medical personnel should be subject to extra risk, because we can't get our shit together and test a light bulb at a couple Universities using a couple good grad students.


If safe,, then use it for the quarantine period in every patient room. Let it kill the airborne Covid19 or whatever else is airborne, in 20-30 seconds, starting when it comes out of the patient into the air. If safe, it can even be put in hospital hallways etc.


Now about the cost:


Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 28, 2020, 9:18 a.m. No.8275137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6188



Cost at the moment is about $1000.00 a 300 watt bulb because they are so new and currently being built custom. This cost will come down when mass marketed I would think. Since it needs a special unit or base to work, it should not be much more expensive than your average ceiling fan set up, since that requires a fixture in addition to a light. That would be a comparable "special fixture" I would think.


Here are the big questions I am circling this week as I post the diary of research I have found:


A. Can we use this light to stop ALL future pandemics and make microbe based bio weapon research plants like the one in Wuhan obsolete, and not worth the investment???


B. Can we use this to irradiate airborne disease around the world by putting it in all indoor spaces just as regular light bulbs are distributed today?


C: Also, the immediate early observation COVID19 problem is presenting what appear to be different physical reactions to the virus from TWO .separate human populations.

And this…. needs to be watched to know what is really going on. Worst case scenario, we want this lamp developed and mass produced if it turns out to be safe, even if we have to crowd fund the whole operation.


Population 1 is the Chinese people, who were already exposed to SARS once, and this may be a critical thing if COVID 19 creates something recently learned by scientists called ADE or Antibody Dependant Entry. SARS did this, and it made vaccination impossible.


Population 2 is the remaining population of the world that seems to be experiencing much lower death rates from the virus.

Yes, the virus is worse than the usual flu, but, it does appear that the Chinese suffered lightning rates of infection, where the populations on their first exposure in the rest of the world, are able to keep up with the infection/quaranteen rates. Symptoms in populaton 2 are also milder.


2 reasons I have found, are possible and third possibility is that BOTH cause 1 and cause 2 above are happening.


1) Genetics and the ACE2 receptor where the virus "docks" to the human cells is higher in asians than other human populations.


2) The Antibody Dependant Entry (ADE) process that SOME Corona viruses are now known to set up is happening here. China is "post immune system primed". The rest of the world is experiencing the first exposure, and therefore BEING PRIMED for the second killer wave, similar to the second killer wave of the Spanish Flu in 1917.


Will be posting on these today, explaining both phenominon as best I can as generic biologist without a lab. Understanding of the ADE is recent…. 2014 is earliest research I have found, but, it DOES explain the strange events during the 1917 Spanish flu for the first time in history.



Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 28, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.8276451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7026



Yes. Colloidal Silver atomized and inhaled with an atomizing room vaporizer and Nano silver used separately but in the same atomizing vaporizer would also be good.

The difference between the two silver is size.

Convention on size is happening just now, since pharma started to research silver for many different patentable applications.


Regular Colloid is 100 nanometers or larger, will sit on the surface of the lung cells and nasal cells. Dose this larger silver by breathing the vapor or sprayed silver into the sinuses and lungs, three times a day for 5 days, every six weeks. By that time, the body will have washed the silver from the sinus and lung surface. If dosing hurts (stings) the sinus, it is a hidden sinus infection.The larger silver particles are standard and can be purchased on line with nasal atomizing bottles.


Nano silver is smaller than 100 nanometers.

The smaller has to be generated with a special generator. I use the Silver Edge Generator, and have had good luck with it for three years killing autoimmune arthritis. The nano can get into the bone and other cells to kill the mycoplasma that causes the arthritis. It takes about 2 years to kill off bone infested mycoplasma, not from research, but from MY experience. I no longer have arthritis. Best to buy the book at the site for dosing.

This silver can also be made by the quart, very inexpensive, and loaded into a cool room atomizer.

The nano silver dust will settle around the home in corners and nooks. This is exactly where you want the dust after the water has evaporated, because this is exactly where the virus is hard to decontaminate.

Olive leaf Extract is also a strong virus killer, although it can upset the stomach.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 28, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.8276596   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is a number that is deceptive.

All people die every year and those that die slowly with pneumonia or flu virus attack are not listed as having died from the thing that put them in the death bed in the first place.


Worked in a nursing home 10 years.

We called the flu and the pneumonia it caused "the Angel of Death"


This happens 24-7 all year every year.

What is happening in China, as per vids making it past the internet wall? This is NOT an all day every day 24-7 thing and we would be stupid to treat it as such.

It is either:

1) a massive larp to force vaccines (there is evidence)

2) A variant of Corona that is particularly virulent and is also killing young people (evidence for that)

3) A bioweapon that got loose. (There is evidence of this also.


The point here is not to scare anyone, but, to take the next 8 months to figure out what exactly it is.

Best case scenario is a LARP by the globalists, in which case they will try to FORCE vaccination, and we refuse at gunpoint.


Medium case scenario, it will die off somewhat in the spring due to ultraviolet sun rays, and return in the fall, giving us time to watch the secondary infections.


If people suffer much higher death rates on a second exposure, that is the worst case scenario, where this corona is like the 1917 Spanish flu and is capable of creating antibody dependent entry, where the immune system turns into an escort for the virus into the healthy cells, after the first exposure primes the immune system. This process was just recently understood (2014).


If the worst case shows up, vaccines will not help. They will set people up for the kill on the second pass like they did to the mice with the SARS vaccine test.

….. and this will be bad unless we learn to create human safe UVC lamps for our homes, schools, hospitals etc… pretty much anywhere we no plug in a light bulb.

There is good news on this front and we have time.

So no scenario is a panic scenario.

We have the technology to handle it.

We have the time to handle it.

But do we have enough anons who are not brain lazy tl:dr types?

People will get scared and do stupid things, before they will take time to read about what to do that will work to stop any virus while still airborne, not just Covid19, in many cases.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 28, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.8276684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6810




Then see



You will feel better. Everything will be ok. We have the tech to kill this thing everywhere inside of any building, where it is on a surface, or airborne, it now appears. And it is going to be a much safer solution than vaccines. It will kill more than just Covid19, and that is good news for people around the world.


Question is, can we get our government to take charge of making sure this is mass produced after the final safety tests are done (Which would take about 2 months to do)


The hard part is not killing the virus while air born, in 20 seconds flat.

The hard part is getting the government to look at the solution, and think about it long enough to realize what must be done, and then actually do something.


Governments are monstrous things to actually try to talk to. Especially when loaded with corruption like ours is right now. It's going to have to be grass roots, just to get their attention.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 28, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.8276802   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Corona = fearmongering & deflection from habbenings.


It looks like a real virus that is being used for propaganda purposes, that in the worst case scenario, the people who used it did or did not understand that it MAY be one like SARS and the Spanish Flu, which is mild on first pass around the world while it primes the immune system, and then kills millions on the second infection.

That would be worst case, and we only have slight signs that this would be the case, so, not worried about a "Mother of all Pandemics" scenario, yet.


>Does anybody think POTUS would be in India right now if the virus was a real danger?


>Does anybody think he would go into a stadium with 100k+ people?


Actually, since China makes nearly all American Meds, and even India, who manufactures most of the remaining, has to go to China for the precurser drugs to do the manufacture, the answer is YES.


I DO believe our President would risk travel to India right now to set up a new supply chain before the nations Diabetics and other people who need medications run out or their meds.


And I DO believe he would risk his life to do it because he damn well risks his life just being our President every day. These globalist enemies of the US have everything to lose, including their lives, so YES they are trying to kill him every day.


He deserves every bit of support we can give him, as do /ourguys/.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 29, 2020, 10 p.m. No.8289721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0798




>You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned and coordinated propaganda event in modern day history.


>Posted end of March (madness) a year ago.




You completely miss the point. I am not inside the "thought box" that is limiting your thinking here. After six weeks of study I happened to run INTO something BIGGER than Corona Virus. This has the possibility to change the world, long after Corona virus is GONE.

Expand your thinking for a moment. If this tests out, it will be bigger than the discovery of penicillin.


Yes, I was doing Corona research when I bumped into it. But when I realized what I was looking at, Corona became a side show that will come and go.

But this…..


The point is, whether Corona is propaganda, LARP, a natural virus, a bio weapon, a globalist attempt to take down the president by crashing the global economy………….

…….NONE of this matters ONE BIT.


This, is looking like a scientific breakthrough, that could eradicate airborne viral disease as we know it,

I happen to agree with what you said as a matter of fact, (About Corona) until and unless I get news that this virus is capable of ADE. If that happened, then, we would have a rare, but different fact pattern on the biologics that will be similar to the Spanish flu, where there will be a very deadly second wave that will not happen until this fall.


HERE, instead, is the point.


Fact: Viruses, bacteria are real. (Not a LARP)


Fact: For YEARS we have been fighting something called Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria . You have heard of MRSA, and CDiff, that plague our hospitals right now? Antibiotics are no longer working on many bacteria, and this is causing a problem in treatment.


Fact: Antibiotics do not kill bacteria, but do not kill viruses ANYWAY, whether cold, seasonal flu, or other Corona, etc etc. There are MANY types of virus, not just Corona types.



And this is a BIG fact:


For the first time in the history of mankind, we have a small company that has figured out that there is a narrow light band… VERY narrow light band…. 207-222 nanometers…

…..that can kill MANY viruses, and even many antibiotic resistant bacteria…. AND, THAT LIGHT FREQUENCY has tested SAFE for mice to live under 24-7 for 10 days without any harmful effects at ALL.

The light is able to kill virus in 20 seconds.

20 Seconds after someone sneezes, no more virus.

Think about that.




….IF this new technology is tested and verified by two other Universities, AND they verify what the first researchers did?



We may now have a way to add a frequency to a light bulb to put in every indoor space, that will end many viruses 20 seconds after they land on a counter, a door knob, or while they are still floating in the air after someone coughs.


And all this virus kill happens, while people live and work under the lights.


Lets say the frequency tests out, and we can replace all current hospital UVC 254's with the UVC 222 nanometer band

Expand your thinking… just imagine here.


It means you can retrofit all hospitals with the light, and it will disinfect the hospitals 24-7, while the personnel go about their business treating patients.


It means if we put it in all the schools, children will no longer be passing viruses around in a way that creates "Flu Season" If we put these bulb in work places, this also helps stop the flu season. If we have them in our homes, the light in our homes would be killing viruses and bacteria 24-7 as if the sun were shining in the house, but without the UV bands that cause skin damage and sunburn.


Now, this kind of discovery would compare to the discovery of penicillin. Please don't allow a Corona virus LARP to blind you to the possibilities here.


Now go deeper…

Expand your thinking some more.


You can shine this light on an open wound and clean the wound surface of virus, bacteria without harm to the human cells. Who knows, we may find out the frequency kills most bacteria, but just takes longer?

In that case, we can do surgeries and keep the inside of a person sterile while they are open?


I have been mulling the possibilities, not just Corona. But, if it is confirmed with further research.If it works……


We are looking at getting rid of vaccines, and who knows what kinds of inventions people will come up with using it.


Put the UVC-222 light in a clear plastic ball with a battery…. and throw it in the dryer with the damn clothes… disinfect the laundry?


Just think. Imagine the possibilities.

Thinking is how we come to breakthroughs.;…

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 29, 2020, 10:59 p.m. No.8289934   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Please see




I think this may be an answer to the antibiotic resistance thing in addition to the virus thing. (I hope). Would like to see two more Universities test this narrow band 222 UVC light. It is new technology. Kills virus, CDiff other antibiotic resistant bacteria in 20 seconds, without harm to hairless mice with a constant 10 day exposure. Stretch it to 30 and you have safety for those taking care of the quaranteened.

Stretch it to a few months, and you have cold stop on the flu season.

Since it only takes 20 seconds to kill, you would only need to turn the lights on every 20 minutes or so for 30-60 seconds. They are dim lights compared to other lights in a classroom or hospital, so it would hardly be noticed. But, it is not harmful to humans. Cant get through the dead layer surface of the skin, or through the water layer on the eye. DOES kill viruses because they are so tiny. Does kill MRSA, CDiff and other bacteria so far.

The bacteria, viruses do not develop resistance.


But we need the research repeated.

And we need the manufacturing ramped up quickly if the results are verified.


Could be a big breakthrough.

Definitely worth the research.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 29, 2020, 11:12 p.m. No.8290009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6268 >>5803


I checked.

It is true that O2 absorbs 60GHz. Even the telecom companies talk about it, because it causes a problem for them in a bandwidth they want to use.

Then I searched some more, and found a pic of what looked like a physics exam. It was a question about exposing O2 to 60GHz. The question stated that the person being questioned about the effect on the O2 was to calculate the distance between the two oxygen molecules for the test answer.


Thought about this.

If O2 absorbs energy at exactly 60 GHz, it would cause the electrons that the two atoms of O2 are sharing, to "jump orbit" from excitation. This is common chemistry knowledge.

This would then cause the two atoms of oxygen to move farther apart, due to the higher orbit?

Something like this could very will hinder the passing of the O2 from the lungs through the membranes to the red cells. In fact, you kind of have to wonder if the red blood cells could even hold on to the oxygen they carry if the oxygen were excited enough to have it's electrons jumping into different states of excitability. So yeah. We need a physics anon to talk to about this.


Another thing I discovered about the 5G on the polls that have to be within 1000 feet of one another. They do not do signals out in a radius, or even in a direction like a flashlight. They are equipped with a laser signal beam that locates the cell phone, and points the 5G at the phone.


If this is true, I am now wondering if the phone could be used as some kind of signal booster, capable of blasting the 60Ghz strong enough to interfere with O2 intake in a person carrying the phone, but not strong enough to reach persons more than two or three feet away.


Are they killing people by 60Ghz cell phone booster blast by cell phone number? Just a thought.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 29, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.8290086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7372



>Q: how many people can get some colloidal silver? How many could grow remedy with a few cannabis plants?


I so get your anger anon. Cannabinoids destroying biofilms is new one for me so thank you for sharing. I will read those reports you cited. Swear there is coming a time when everyone will be growing a couple plants our front as shrubs, just to extract the medicinal oils to clean their homes….. soon.


Also, you may want to look at this, that I stumbled into while researching Corona.

This one is HUGE, if we get just two more mouse tests done. They are already installing in hospitals now, but, still have to remove people from rooms being sterilized.


If this turns out to be safe for mice after 30 day 24-7 constant exposure, we just found a way to kill virus and many bacteria using the lights that we live and work under.


Its all a matter of how we want to install the lights and fixtures.


It literally would not be worth building a bio weapon plant anymore. Vaccines would be unnecessary too.


Sometimes a crisis can bring about the most amazing lasting solutions to mankind's worst problems. Keep your chin up anon.


Colloidal silver can be purchased on line or probably at trader joe's. The NANO silver can be made a quart at a time every three hours at the 10ppm strength using something called the Silver Edge Generator. There are other generators, but this one I was able to use to get rid of my arthritis so I can walk again. So I am familiar with it.


It is dirt cheap to make once you make the investment….about 200 dollars. I have made many quarts, and given many away to people. Right now, because one woman I helped recover from Antibody-Antiphospholipid Disorder was a patient at a local hospital, that hospital bought this generator, and is testing the silver on two other life threatened patients to see if they get the same results.

She is recovering so well, I suspect, because this generator makes silver small enough to enter the human cells and kill mycoplasma, which seems to be behind every autoimmune disorder I have looked at… so far. There is definately a link. Wish I had a lab to confirm.


It is the 30-40 nanometer range of silver that kills virus.

Anonymous ID: 09eb77 Feb. 29, 2020, 11:41 p.m. No.8290116   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, it looks like the Prof who was working on HIV at that Canadian lab was possibly the one that altered the Corona with the 4 HIV gene sequences? And now this past week, he's found dead in Africa? Someone did not want him talking?


Still, I am hoping people stop a minute to look at the new tech light mentioned. Too bad we couldn't get this approved, and put in every Chinese living room. Corona would be stopped over night.



Anonymous ID: 09eb77 March 12, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.8390490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540

Dropping this promising treatment post here for anons watching the corona.

Bottom line:

Treatment success for the elderly who are being hit hard by the virus is coming out of South Korea, and much sauce being accumulated.


Will just re-drop post here and embed the vid that shows the actual molecular activity of the corona, how zinc blocks it's replication, and how you need a shuttle to get the zinc into the human cells to stop the virus.

Turns out an old well known malaria killer called chloroquine is able to shuttle the zinc into the cells to stop the virus. (vid related, 17 minutes, start about minute 1:52 for the excellent diagrams by a doctor on the virus hunt, research sauce, and how the treatment works at the molecular level based on corona sars research.)


What to take from this, if you have elderly family you want to protect:


Zinc is antiviral even if it sits in the blood and in between the cells.

Good idea not to be deficient in zinc right now if you are over 45 years old. If you have zinc on board, this treatment might be able to stop a severe infection, even if you are elderly.


My logical thinking is that if an elderly grandparent gets the corona, and they are deficient in zinc, there will be nothing to shuttle into the cell to kill the virus. Time to tell our grandparents to take zinc, so they are not deficient if they need it to be there for the chloroquine shuttle treatment. The treatment may be explaining the difference between the death in the elderly in Italy, vs South Korea. Might be worth watching. (See end of the vid for the number differences)


Chloroquine is an old well understood medicine, cheap, needs prescription, has a few side effects, but, the docs who need the sauce and protocols can get the information out of this vid.