Anonymous ID: 16fea3 Feb. 18, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.8173137   🗄️.is 🔗kun

REVEALED: All But Two of the Radical Far-Left DOJ Attorneys Who Signed Petition for Fraudulent Mueller Investigation Also Signed Petition for AG Barr to Resign

Joe Hoft February 18, 2020


Former New York City Mayor and President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani was on Lou Dobbs Tonight on FOX Business channel to discuss recent events involving the Democrats actions to destroy the US Constitution. The first topic surrounded the list of former DOJ attorneys that asked AG Barr to resign over the weekend.


This planned and timed list of far-left actors was just another production by the unconstitutional left.


Dobbs: I have to say when I saw this letter, it had 1,100 signatures on it. That’s a lot of signatures but there are 100,000 employees right now working in the Justice Department.


Rudy: That’s only a small fraction of the stupid lawyers in Washington, and the ones that have lost any sense of their legal education and have become political hacks.


It’s not surprising that the DOJ could find 1,100 far-left attorneys to sign the petition for AG Barr to resign. The Washington Times reported that DOJ employees donate to Democrats over Republicans by a ratio of 20 to 1:


In the 2016 election cycle, Justice employees gave $438,077 to Hillary Clinton’s Democratic presidential campaign and $23,874 to that of Republican Donald Trump, according to, an arm of the Center for Responsive Politics, which crunched the numbers based on Federal Election Commission reports.


What’s also not surprising is that all the DOJ attorneys who signed the petition for former DAG Rod Rosenstein to create the fraudulent Mueller Special Counsel, also signed the petition for AG Barr to resign, with the exception of only two individuals.


Moar at link.