pb link you stupid worthless breadshitter nigger faggot
can watch this bred
since you hung in there last bread with no handy and are still not ghosty
i will be using d'oh buns of notables and q posts
i will bake after 600 drop if i have to hit the road (early bake) else i will bake on time at 700
as soon as someone can take the bake for longer/better
tag the dough
tag the d'oh
and tag your bro
i got the bake baker
handoff confirmed
you can respit
me and d'oh gots this bake and possibly the next
shut the fuck up tranny
baker here
whats notable about it
i have yet to find an problem with q resear.ch and i use it extensively
im more inclined to say user error
there's some seriously dumb fucks out there
ok rainman the sequel
are you talking about e001 ??
you are retarded