Hello shills, you seen easily triggered this morning. What say you? Shall we go again?
Nothing stops this.
Hello shills, you seen easily triggered this morning. What say you? Shall we go again?
Nothing stops this.
>>text over pic
Surely you guys can do better. Professional training to shill, a PAID position to do this. And this is all you can manage???
Wasted 150$ bloombergbux
>>muh I lack basic understanding
WWG1WGA, they fear the unite of the good people.Those who march forward doing good regardless of who will benefit.
Darkness cannot stand the light in any incarnation.
>Secret Service came up to us once we got to our seats and made me turn my Q shirt inside out. Spouseanon had a Trump baseball jersey over his they made him button up. This was in Springfield MO. There was an 'attempt' that day on the motorcade.
Not shocking. Dumbass shills have been here spamming that thing called Kate Mazz
I know a man from Galilee
We are all more a like than you know Anon. I can't help you, tho I wish I could. Since I've been down the rabbit holes myself.
Know that you are not alone.
He can't even try to fake claim credit for the economy. He got absolutely railed into the ground last night. Obama is done.
Hold the line anons, its division shill Tuesday.
The age of doomsday prophecies is at an end.
lol poor anjel
>>piss poor attempt at copying anons
Speaks the truth. An avalanche starts with as single snowflake… at this point though you're just not looking.