How Prince Harry Is Related to the Romanovs, the Last Russian Tsars
How Prince Harry Is Related to the Romanovs, the Last Russian Tsars
This message was found on the Twitter account of the Man of Mystery, Mr. E.
Sorry Mickey, but we know you are a pedophile
And you make your living selling child porn
On the TV Underground
You are fucked Mr. Mouse, well and truly fucked.
You exaggerate.
Democratic Socialism is a system in which the Socialist party controls everything. It has also been called Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Marxism-Leninism.
The names don't matter and the details don't either.
Once a single organization controls everything, then it is really, really nice to be a member of the Elite. This is why the prospective elite members work so hard to promote their cause. But everything they say is some type of lie. A con job.
Take the democracy for instance. This means that members of the elite all have a say in planning the actions of the party. Then once they have all voted and decided, they go to the people and sell them on it as the right thing to do. Like the Climate Change movement, whose end goal is to stop people from producing Carbon Dioxide.
Once the extra people are all dead and buried, they will stop breathing out this horrendous pollutant. Very simple.
Socialists take this NWO pyramid very seriously. The elite operate the all-seeing eye. They use what they learn to make all the decisions. See how the top piece floats? That is because the Elite are special. They have a special place in the pyramid disconnected from all the sheep and serfs.
This is the message of the Red Shield of the Rothschild clan, which they managed to convince the Jews is actually a Jewish symbol. The circled letters spell MASON.
That's because the originators of this symbolism, and the originators of the USA, though that MASON's would be the most enlightened and illuminated members of society and would make the best decisions for all. Unfortunately, criminal elements were hard at work infiltrating, and so they warped the meaning.
This is how the Cult of Con Artists works. They twist or warp the meaning of things, convince people to support actions AGAINST their best interests, and then profit from the scam.
Our job is not only to uncover the criminals so that they get Justice, but also to reclaim all of these symbols and teachings to find the true light that is hidden behind the Con.
The Best Is Yet To Come
What makes you think Anons would tell the truth?
How would you measure the percentage of Anons that are paid by the criminals to fuck with your mind, versus the percentage that are good hearted patriots?
It's Kabbalah.
The Q is there but it is hidden.
Just like in the Tree of Life, the sefira Daath (Knowledge) is hidden.
And the name of God in the Torah(Old Testament) is also hidden. That's because it is all vowels, but when you write JHVH you only use consonants. The consonants in this name are supposed to be silent. They are only clues to the vowels in the true name.
If you were the QUEEN you would get free phone calls.
Just dial your own exchange and the number you want.
Get it?