Anonymous ID: 78d622 Feb. 18, 2020, 4:45 p.m. No.8178150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8170 >>8203 >>8247

the grammar-twit persona tries to assume a 'dominant' position in a conversation through a twitish 'correction' tick, that it seems to have no control over.

Such a twit will take a perfectly normal vernacular-use of Standard English and parse the phrases as if they are part of a formal contract. Doing this grammar-twits miss the idea of conversation, and pretend to be 'confused' when any confusion would be easily cleared up with simple further query.

the grammar-twit can rely on the fact that most normal people do not study philosophy to get to the part where they understand 'the use of language'.

when there is confusion, normal people ask for clarity.

Grammar twit just spit at you with grammar, pretending superiority, and displaying, to all around, that they are clueless, mean, petty, and probably not worth much more time.


Grammar-twit is a category of mental defect. Grammar twit has the antisocial point of view of "I am OK, but you are not OK" and does not provide a healthy mutual respect of normal adult interaction, which is the "I'm OK you're OK" interaction


If you could call out grammar-twit as being someone who needs to learn mutual respect. If grammar-twit was confused, why didn't he ask for clarity? No, it's about dominance. It's a about control. The sad part is that they are so obviously damaged emotional wrecks, that they will grow ever more violent when you remind them: what you're doing is not respectful, nor dignified.

Anonymous ID: 78d622 Feb. 18, 2020, 4:55 p.m. No.8178230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8254 >>8268 >>8283 >>8305 >>8442


the grammar twit become hyper personal. It is unable t see how it was controlled by this demon it's whole life. As the demon starts feeling angry, watch as grammar-twit devolves even further into angry musings, as if it has anything to offer, and displays ever more that it MUST MUST MUST (must must) be 'in control' or there will be hell to pay . . .


grammar twit claims superiority. nothing else will sate it until the bread runs dry.


Grammar twit doesn't care about the digs, doesn't follow the latest news, isn't reading the Notables.

Anonymous ID: 78d622 Feb. 18, 2020, 5:01 p.m. No.8178282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8295


the grammar of contracts is different than the grammar of real people who interact.

you are confused. yo are the one who is 'incorrect'.

what is the thing that is incorrect? the way that you 'interact' when you 'use' 'language'. you are suppose to try and understand the other person. what you do is intentionally do dominance ritual chest-thump "i am smarter than you " gorrillian behavior.

so the use to be friendly and to be helpful is not there, but the use to be a grammar-twit, insecure and out of control with discusting dominance rituals, and territorial pissings, . . . that is your primary function.

you simply agree to disagree so you can be 'in charge'.

most people find that kind of behavior repulsive outside of a classroom.

Anonymous ID: 78d622 Feb. 18, 2020, 5:06 p.m. No.8178321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

desparate to try and reassume dominance shill 'labels' the other anon.




I must have a sense of humor, dude, becuase guess what, it's not just sad that these people want to murder me for talking about how grammar-twit is a demon that they possess . . .

but I even predicted it.