Pardon Me
Pardon Me
Why porn is free
Life feeds on life. Royals/initiates have always eaten the higher organs in all prey/sacrifice. It is indeed more nutrient dense. Longevity, vampire lore, etc is all based on fact. The flower, the cerebellum is the producer of the body's self healing 'medicine'… nutrient dense
As with many plants, there is both a medicinal & intoxicating, dose/preparation-specific effect. Thus there are JUNKIES, ADDICTS, & 'users' with HUGE TOLERANCES of all 'plant' Magic- knowledge of the root.
All Fruits have 'belly buttons'…
Fruits come from plants, 'family trees'
Cerebellum aka 'that WALNUT shaped structure located at the base of the brain'
THIS is the 'walnutsauce' from the podesta emails
People are missing the nature of the business- not just perv sex & cannibalism but $$$ ALL of the following
The cerebellum is also being purged of its medicine during every orgasm.
Grasp now why porn is FREE.
Why sex programming is EVERYWHERE, regardless of one's taste or perversion, ANYTHING that may AROUSE someone… forcing them to lower their own defenses by depleting their FLOWER
Thus why children, the most young, even the unborn are so VALUABLE to 'them'… pure, robust FLOWERS, with a literal LIFETIME of healing and rejuvenation NECTAR on board. Planned ParenthoodÂ
Heard of ambrosia (classical reference & current company)?
A little secret as to why so many in the world are 'sick', sicker than they need to be, or functioning with a less than optimum immune system.
We do not LOOK at each other.
Our energy/emotion is often largely, though far from solely, communicated through our eyes. That is energy in motion. EMOTION.
They have so enchanted the world with imagery, that most have placed a device between their gaze and EVERYONE else they choose to interact with (barring the requirements of employment situations).
Thus, ALL of our ENERGY that would otherwise be shared amongst our human family, connecting, energizing, and enabling a harmoniously tuned individual and collective immuno-health, is SIPHONED up by the Black mirrors, that are everywhere.
Pronounce SCRYING correctly as SCREEN to appreciate the magnitude of the trap.
Consider the MASSIVE screens now in MSG, Cowboy stadium, not to mention your walls, desks, and pockets etc…(On ley vertices as well some say, where most major cities/arenas lie.)
We can use SOCIAL "CREDIT" as a tool in expediting the release of information
While sesame credit/ social credit is not yet here, the theory behind it is simple and effective- social pressure, transparency, and a combination of reward/penalty is an effective means to drive desireable behaviors in large populations.Â
Facebook and twitter have LARGE POPULATIONS.Â
Twitter specifically now…
HOWEVER, most participants in the sharing of information and their followers, 'like' posts but do NOT RETWEET them. This does not AMPLIFY the information they 'like'. It really only educates twitter AI and the few followers that may see a notification that someone the follow 'like' s something.
Followers see RETWEETS.
Why not push the following?
Notify followers that liking your posts will get them blocked, while RETWEETing that they normally would have instead only 'like' may expedite the change they desire.
Thus offering them 'social credit' for participating, or an undesireable outcome, 'block', for not modifying behavior.
The onion of spells and illusion
Food. Drink. Drug. And other spells…
Soap, shampoo, body products… and weed too. Candles. Air freshners. Perfumes and colonges. Product fragrances. All spells with very specific recipies we cannot deCYPHER. So deep. Foods. Garment and textile patterns and materials. Alloys or the metals that surroind us. Colors used. Sounds tones and songs repeated in the world.
A matrix of sustained manipulation and illusion. Imagination land. The magic kingdom. The MIND.
How do dye colors and patterns in fabric, paints, and coatings on vehicles and buildings, glass, electrical transmissoon line locations in walls and outdoors interrupt our interconnectivity as a collective? Why those metals, colors, paints, etc…
Everything has purpose.
The wisdom and application of fasting, from all manner of things, is a valuable skill. They prey on your addoction(s) to consuming…
Tou should know truth by the ow when you experience it. Be it from an anon or a cabal 'sauce'
Pro tip: they won't tell you how they do you dirty. It is up to you to see/hear.
Journey well.
Historical neuroscience and anatomy, ritual occultists, cannibals, black magic practitioners, Planned Parenthood, and John Podesta all disagree with your perspective.
We are all spirits in hell 2020: End of the Souls Journey - Solace 2/18/2020