>>817841 (prev bread)
>>817850 (prev bread)
>>817851 (prev bread)
I very much liked your convocation. If it please the court, I'd like to add a few pointers.
POTUS mostly says, 'G_D bless the United States', leaves out 'of America'. Don't know his reason, but there must be some distinction.
We are all the children of Adam and Eve, the first human Creation. So, 'G_D bless The United States and all the other nations of the world.'
Maybe 4-10-20 is the reincarnation of Cyrus, maybe he's not. Either way, he's currently leading the fight for true justice so, and he may have been chosen or maybe not, what we DO KNOW is that DJT has chosen to lead this fight against the worst types of evil and in so doing he's made himself G_D's servant. So, 'God we ask your blessing upon your servant Donald J. Trump.
Ditto: in this mission you have given him.
'in this mission that he's undertaken'.
You've mention those that support POTUS so, . . . 'in this mission that we have undertaken'.
Nimrod led the world in building a tower that would reach into the heavens and fight G_D Himself, as if that were even possible. TRUE EVIL. Today there are many who would presume to follow in Nimrods footsteps.so, 'Bless President Trump with wisdom and with cunning against YOUR enemi[es].
G_D's faith in humanity is complete, it's us that need to perfect our faith, so, 'Help us to increase our faith.'
Father in Heaven, thank you for your care and provision. Thank you for your love and your mercy. Thank you that you consider us. You are love, You are life, You are our strength.
God we ask your blessing upon your your servant Donald J. Trump. We ask your mighty hand to be upon him and upon those whom you have provided to support him in this mission that we have undertaken. Bless President Trump with wisdom, strength and cunning to lead us against Your enemies. Bend your bow, let your arrows fly true toward the hearts of the wicked who oppose You and Your creation. Uphold the righteous. Help us to increase our faith. Let Your will be done in the United States and in all the nations of the world as it is in Heaven.
I hope my humble contributions will be of service to all those who have joined in ths mighty endeavor.