Cognitive dissonance… 'Why would they lie to us?!'…
Indoctrination from pre-school on. Generation after generation.
Sophia And The Queen of Heaven
The Queen of Heaven
In various Gnostic Christian myths, Sophia was the catalyst who gave rise to creation and the material realm. Sophia, the timeless being, or Aeon, who existed in the realm of perfection (Pleroma) as the archetype of Wisdom, felt inclined to manifest a creation of her own. But because she lacked the proper toolset or polarity, her creation was imperfect, and this imperfection caused an eruption in the Pleroma.
Sophia created Yaldabaoth (aka Saklas, Samael), an ignorant being hell-bent on crafting his own collection of inferior beings. This gave rise to the creation of the material realm, along with several (7, 12, or 365) princes (archons) who would subsequently rule this new realm. These ruling archons had heads of animals, and were often associated with fallen angels.
It was no coincidence that the number of archons were correlated to our calendar. As in other religions, these material rulers were synonymous with planets, stars, and celestial bodies.
Sophia’s first creation, Yaldabaoth, was the Demiurge. He was the craftsman responsible for design and creation of our universe. One intriguing implication in this matrix (pun intended) is that it solves the problem of evil because it spares the “most high” God the responsibility of our pain-ridden, cancer-filled, war-torn creation; rather, it was Sophia and her fall from grace which gave rise to our earthly woes. Despite her role in the eruption within the Pleroma, the Gnostics considered Sophia humanity’s mother, perhaps because she is humanity’s most direct connection to the Pleroma.
Q said 'Iran is next'.
When he talked about NK, was Kim removed? No. Only the hostage takers.