639 Hz ❯ Raise Positive Energy ❯ Marimba Meditation Music
Why was travel impossible in the past?
Agree. A bird in a cage,
and Xi did not hold Key.
> Soros Fund Management had secured 2,472,188 shares in Overstock by the end of Q4 2017.
Back last year when cryptos hit nosebleed levels, a few nutters were discussing how they were like Hotel California.
<You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.
Meaning once you're in, it's easy to move between cryptos, but in order to exchange for real tangible goods, you have to ask the exchange mafia FuckCoineryBase to exchange back to $ and cross your fingers it happens some before the next millenia.
OSTK represents one of the very few opps for crypto holders to exchange their BTC for real tangible goods without dealing with the exchanges or transferring back to $.
These nutters speculated that OSTK would be a great acquisition for BABA & Jack Ma to penetrate into US market share to be able to deliver a mortal wound to AMZN since Bozos' margins are slim to none (and only that because their sweetheart deal with USPS). Especially when BABA spins off ANT Financial (not sure when this is, but think sometime this year).
Just more crumbs to chew on…
Agree on cryptos.
Don't sleep on King Dollar though.
It's like Ali, just when you think it's out for the count, it does the Rope-A-Dope.
<Disclaimer: Not investment advice, just some chewing gum.
Thanks for the drops.
>>818116 >Cambridge Analytica CT
All those words and no mention of Jim Simons. How ODD NOT.
>>818142 >sOrOs Project Syndicate article
It takes significant effort to assert and defend what John Stuart Mill called the freedom of mind. And there is a real chance that, once lost, those who grow up in the digital age – in which the power to command and shape people’s attention is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few companies – will have difficulty regaining it.
Don't you just love how Georgie colors his moves in moral philosophical musings? Read Open Society back in the day and for a few was intrigued by the ideas, mostly because was intrigued by his "mentor" Karl Popper.
Popper is portrayed by Soros and others as opposed to threats to democracy and even opposed to Marxism and communism.
Then one digs a bit deeper.
“I am a democratic socialist,” Magee declares, “and I believe that the young Popper worked out, as no one else has ever done, what the philosophical foundations of democratic socialism should be.”
>http:// sorosfiles.com/soros/2011/10/the-shocking-truth-about-soros-mentor-karl-popper’s-“open-society”-philosophy.html#axzz5B2p15v97
Great lesson on what I call the perversion inversion. Good thing is that experience gave insight to the mechanics of Their propaganda. E.g. in P.S. article,
The countries in which such unholy marriages are likely to occur first are Russia and China. Chinese IT companies in particular are fully equal to the US platforms. They also enjoy the full support and protection of President Xi Jinping’s regime. China’s government is strong enough to protect its national champions, at least within its borders.
Now Georgie is ragging on China. Note that this is AFTER POTUS' trip to the Forbidden City.
There's something here connecting these 2 stories. We just need to find the (Link).
>>818050 Worth a post for sure. Will do when not in danger of sliding. When the higher frequencies are combined to create harmonic overtones are when it gets really enlightening…
>Cambridge Analytica Guardian article
>no mention of Jim Simons.
Note: JIm Simons was/is co-Big Kahuna with Bob Mercer in Renaissance Tech.
Consider them the Cain & Abel of modern data-analytic hedge-fund investing. Yugely successful, transformative even.
Question is : who's Cain and who's Abel?
James Harris "Jim" Simons (born 1938) is an American mathematician, hedge fund manager, and philanthropist. He is a code breaker and studies pattern recognition.[4]
Simons' net worth is estimated to be $14 billion.[1]
Simons is a major contributor to Democratic Party political action committees'.[31]
He received a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1958[13] and a Ph.D., also in mathematics, from the University of California, Berkeley, under supervision of Bertram Kostant in 1961, at the age of 23
Simons serves as trustee of Brookhaven National Laboratory, the Institute for Advanced Study, Rockefeller University, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley and a trustee of Stony Brook University.[32] He is also a member of the Board of the MIT Corporation.
>>818148 Nice pic.
>>818236 Ditto.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
>Tiangong I on the 29th of September 2011 was accompanied by a America the Great soundtrack
Tiangong I -09/29/2011 -> America the Great
Numbers look familiar?
>https:// infogalactic.com/info/Tiangong-1
Tiangong-1 (Chinese: 天宫一号; pinyin: Tiāngōng yīhào; literally: "Heavenly Palace 1") is China's first space station,[7] serving as both a manned laboratory and an experimental testbed to demonstrate orbital rendezvous and docking capabilities.[8]
Chinese television broadcast the launch animation accompanied by an instrumental version of the American patriotic song America the Beautiful, a choice of music for which it later offered no explanation.[34]
Note the Chinese are fanatical about numerology. No way they would launch their inaugural space station (named Heavenly Palace or Sky Palace no less) on a day without meaning.
Meta level trolling by the CCCP?
You might be on to something HERE, anon. Let's see if we could find this video w/o you having to dox to post.
<Though would also love to find a safe palace to upload vids as well.