Killed by other bad guys, other (((thems))), or kill themselves is how I took it. Not sure.
Killed by other bad guys, other (((thems))), or kill themselves is how I took it. Not sure.
Sounds spot on to me, Thank You Anon. Do you think, as some do, that Ryan played a part in the Omnibus?? Maybe he won some brownie points and now that his task is complete out he goes?? I didn't want to buy into that line of thinking, as I [REALLY] do not like Ryan, but the timing seems to line up.
So when is POTUS next to be seen in public?? He had to have been in China right?? A couple of Anons threw that out last night, and it sounded a bit out there, but everything is lining up.
Or has "POTUS in China" been debunked??
Great post. I once heard it said, that the Saints are always unique, and that the wicked are always the same.
Unity in our commonality, and the differences that can and should exist, between rational and sane human beings who truly care about truth and justice and honor…all those good things…
What could those possibly add up to?? Surely not endless wars and people shooting each other over their shoes and the like.
2018 Will Be Glorious!!!!!
I'd like to!!